So, it's still half term round these parts, which equates to lots of people getting rather impatient with me and my enforced 2 week break from schedule.

I've been working on an order for almost 3 weeks now and all that was finally left was the labelling. When I was screen printing with Ruby last week I resisted doing it. It was her time.
I bloody well wish I had done it then tho!

I wouldn't have run into the problems I had today if I had at least started.
I turned up today with my prepared hand stamped signage all ready to quickly photocopy and get the screen prepared...a quick squidgee and hey, presto...

...or rather no!
The photocopier was broken.
Bad, bad timing.

I spent the next hour manually drawing out the necessary image, which had to then be done on acetate with the spottage added on top in order that the stamped labels didn't cause a blow out like this little detail on the flower below.

This was a surprise little extra for a certain someone who had hinted that perhaps I wanted to do something for her, (you know who you are...) but unfortunately that didn't work. Hopefully next time.

Because of the rather crude way of making my image ready for printing, it wasn't wholly successful. The dots came out rather patchy and I wasn't totally sure I'd be able to use any of them.

I carried on regardless because, quite frankly I have to get this order off this week and this may be an occasion where something is better than nothing.
And then, when I added them to my pieces, I actually quite liked how they looked.
A certain handmade quirkiness perhaps? Maybe?
They look great, its nice to have handmade things that look handmade sometimes
I agree handmade quirkyness, I think thats one of the reason why people like to buy handmade to be honest. I like them anyway I actually think they look quite professional.
they look lovely...no-one needs to know they're a variation on what you intended!
they look great, we are always our worst critics! i love it!
I love handmade quirk! Best sort I think! Loved that you sent me a handwritten note on some paper printed with one of your designs when you sent me some fabric - still have it!
They look great. Shhhh ... don't tell anyone they weren't supposed to end up like that! We won't tell!
Fleur xx
They look great Karen :)x
I like the handmade quirkiness of the labels... actually I think I prefer it! It reminds the buyer that what they have purchased is not some mass-produced-made-in-china item but something that has been created by hand. It all looks lovely Karen :) Kx
Definitely handmade quirkiness.. serendipity!
Hello Karen, thank you for your kind comment and I notice Pin of my Hello Flower! I LOVE your work! I am off for a proper nose. xxLOU XXX
I'm a 'perfectionist' but sometimes, like you, circumstances mean that just ain't possible.
Your labels look absolutely fine and quietly but beautifully say 'handmade'.
(I like it when the craft takes over - don't you??)
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