I've been tagged! By the lovely
Jess. Thanks, Jess :-)
Here are the rules:
1. Respond and rework: Answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your invention, add more one question of your own.
2. Tag eight other people.
Here goes...............
What is your current obsession? Screen printed fabrics. I'm desperate to give this a go and really want to produce some of my own fabrics to work alongside what I do at BP.
Coffee or tea?
That's a tricky one. Tea first thing in the morning. Coffee - a real one - any time during the day. Preferable as near to 11 as I can manage. Don't be anywhere near me if it's after that time and i haven't had my fix. You have been warned.What’s for dinner? Ate early tonight with the kids. Pasta pesto, with steamed broccolli (they had cheesy sauce - home made, but blughhh)
What would you eat for your last meal? Something ultra tasty like goat's cheese with roasted veg on a bed of rocket - followed by a BIG creme brulee. Alternatively a big burger and chips :-)
What was the last thing you bought?
A dress from White Stuff. Can't wait for it to arrive.What are you listening to right now? Samuel singing in the shower!
What is your favourite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe? I think it would have to be my previously bought White Stuff dress. It's onto it's 3rd summer and still gets compliments every time I wear it. I know they are on the pricey side for casual everyday clothes, but they wear and wash so well and their prints are fab.
What is your favourite ice cream flavour? Ben & Jerry's Phish Food - or my homemade lemon ice-cream.
What do you think of the person(s) who tagged you? She's great, fun, young and super talented.
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Hmm, on a beautiful night like this I think I would have to say down the road for a stroll around the lake, followed by a glass of vino in the pub garden on the corner on the way home.
Which language do you want to learn? I'd love to recapture my schoolgirl French. We go to France most out of all the nearby countries and I'd love to be able to converse more readily.
What is your favourite colour? Duck Egg Blue, with a smattering of red :-)
What is your dream job? I'm doing my dream job. Be great when I start to get paid for it :-)
What is your worst habit? Most definitely procrastinating. I work well under pressure. Give me deadlines and I'm your gal. Tell me whenever, well, it just might be.
If you had £100 now, what would you spend it on? Fabric. Well, duh.
Do you admire anyone’s style? My French friend Mani has the most exquisite effortless style, both in her clothing and her home.
Describe your personal style? Relaxed, informal and easy. A little too relaxed and informal if you ask my Ma!
What are you going to do after this? Probably go and mooch about in my studio in the attic for a while.
What are your favourite movies? Dirty Dancing for girlie fun, Shawshank Redemption for unrivalled drama and Kung Fu Panda with the kids!
What is your favourite fruit? Blueberries, of course. With Mango a close second.
What inspires you? Fabric, fabric, fabric. The colours, the patterns, the feel.
What's your favourite book? Possession by A S Byatt, with Time Traveller's Wife and Poisonwood Bible pretty close behind.
Do you collect something? Just the usual fabric, ribbons, buttons... Oh and trays. I have a thing for trays. Little ones that you can just fit your cafetiere, mug, jug of warm frothy milk and a little treat on the side :-)
If you could change your name to anything, what would you call yourself? That's a tricky one. I don't particularly like my name but never really thought what I'd like to be called instead. Maybe Rachel, Rebecca, Sarah, Kate. Or something a bit more funky like Mimi, Suki...
What is your favourite smell? Clean fresh sheets, dried outside on the line.
What are you most proud of? My children
How many times do you press the snooze button before you get up? I don't. It's on Matthew's side of the bed. He does maybe once. We set it for as late as possible anyway, so even pressing it once is asking for trouble.
Cats or dogs? Definitely dogs. I'm allergic to cats so that's a no no. I'd love a dog, but him indoors isn't keen and is going to take some winning over.
What’s your biggest fashion mistake? A yellow t-shirt top and matching skirt. Yikes. That even hurts to admit! To make it worse I was about 14lbs overweight
What is your guilty TV pleasure? I don't really watch much TV, but will stop everything for Desperate Housewives.
What are you reading currently? The Great Gatsby - it's for my Book Club. Loving it.
What did you want to be when you grew up? When I was very little a Hairdresser and then for as long as I can remember a PE teacher, which I was, until sense hit in and I discarded it for the love of crafting :-)
What is your biggest regret? Not persuing my love of design and arts earlier. And being brave enough to live in Aus when given the opportunity. Still, no regrets is the name of the game and other amazing things wouldn't have happened if I'd done either of those.
Thanks for reading. Hope it's been fun and look forward to reading about YOU!
Dee BealeLittle Brown Rabbit
Saidos da Concha
Draw, glue, glitter, make