Wednesday 24 December 2008

Lovely Surprises

I opened my Chanukah present from Tara last night and what a treat it was. As if the tin itself wasn't present enough. I'm a bit partial to tins. So that was sure to be a hit before it even began. But to be covered in the most gorgeous matryoshkas made it undeniably, unquestionably THE nicest tin I for one possess.

And as if this wasn't enough. I opened the tin up and low and behold inside was this gorgeous matryoshka pin. Now, isn't it the cutest pin EVER? (No, Tara, you can't have it back) It is already fashioned on my bag and is there to stay.

I think I've already mentioned that I'm not bombarded with Chanukah/Christmas presents. Which quite frankly matters not one iota when your one present is as gorgeous as this.

I hope you all have a fantastic holiday and are blessed with people that know you so well that they get it just as right as Tara did.

We are off to deepest, darkest Wales over New Year, so I'll see you in 2009, where I'll be raring to go with all those ideas that are being stored in my head, whilst family commitments take over. xx

Tuesday 16 December 2008

Tis the season to be rolling

Much to Manda's regret of ever designing these popular pencil rolls, they have definitely been THE buy this Christmas. I'm not sure how many we've been through together, but don't panic, Manda, I'm not asking for any more! There's something about the mix of stunning fabrics and the nostalgic feel of this lovely item that has made it very popular indeed.

Ruby has been waiting very patiently for her own and has somehow hidden her disappointment of constantly seeing a delivery from Manda, be whisked rapidly away before she can get her little mitts on one.

However, on Sunday evening I decided I'd better get going on one for her for Chanukah. There's only so long a girl can wait. I made one for her and one for my god-daughter Lucy, who has been equally patient. I chose to use my favourite matryoshka fabric for Ruby's, pleased by the fact that at least it stays where I can see it. But Ruby had other ideas and categorically stated that it was the blue butterfly one that she wanted. Would it be really mean of me to wrap up the wrong one?

Monday 15 December 2008

Kid in a sweet shop

I've had this sitting here for about 2 weeks now. My lovely friend, Tara, sent it to me and she's been expecting me to keep my hands off. Actually, believe it or not, Tara, I actually have! No peeking, whatsoever. No little rips at the edges. No shaking and rattling. The only reason for this self control is that I've been so goddamn busy, I've almost forgotten it's there! Every now and then I catch a glimpse of it and all the excitement rushes to the surface again.

I know I've always been useless at surprises. When I was little I had to hunt around in my parents hiding places weeks before my birthday (sorry, Mum). And I'm no better now. Fortunately people are finding better hiding places and I'm proving far too busy to rummage.

You have to understand that, unlike most of you out there, I don't get too many presents at this time of year. We don't do Christmas. We do Chanukah, which is traditionally a children's festival. And since I am no longer officially a child - apparently - my present pile is severely diminished. So when the likes of Tara send me something, let alone being so gorgeously wrapped, is it any wonder that my resilience is tested. But hey, Tara, I did promise.

(Roll on Sunday, first night of Chanukah...)

Wednesday 10 December 2008

50 and Fabulous

Now just let me set the record straight. Before any of you think 'Wow, 50! She looks amazing for 50!' IT ISN'T ME!! Yes, I may be the wrong side of 40, but 50 is still a long way off.

But my lovely cousin Jane is 50 and Fabulous today. Jane is one of those older cousins that, whilst growing up, always had time for her little cousins. You could always tell then that she had style and a certain je ne sais quoi. She has an inner confidence that I never had then and certainly don't now. I always looked up to her as someone very special. And she has continued to be the most amazing free spirited, thoughtful, effortlessly stylish individual that I know.

So, happy birthday, big cous. You are certainly 50 and Fabulous. x

(Jane, with her equally stylish daughter, Jessica)

Tuesday 9 December 2008

Cuteable. Moi?

I want to thank Lynsey of Cuteable fame for featuring me on her blog yesterday. She added my Figgy Pudding Christmas Card on her feature. It's always a shock and an honour when some of you 'out there' find me and decide it's worth sharing. Thanks, Lynsey :-)

(And if you'd like to purchase one of these, they are still available here x)

Monday 8 December 2008

Fabric Galore

I was delighted last week to find this fab online fabric shop. Fabricrehab is run by sisters Nancy and Sally. They have a brilliant selection and excellently priced shipping, which makes going back...and back...and back very easy.

I was quite restraint when I made this selection. But as you know, I have been buying a fair amount of fabric lately.

(Apologies for the quality of these photos - it has been rather dark and wintery here recently - I'll try again another day - if they aren't cut up and used by then of course)

Thursday 4 December 2008

Snowed Under

Woke up to this today. It was forecast to arrive and boy has it. (How come the weather men can get this kind of weather right but no other?)

Samuel is very cross because his school is open, whislt Noah and Ruby's is closed. He has quickly forgotten that his school was closed for a Christmas Shopping Day (Iknow, duh?) on Monday and he and Matthew went to see Quantum of Solace. I have no idea how long it is going to take Matthew to drive him in. In the meatime Ruby and Noah have gone next door for a snowball fight. If I was feeling brave I might just go take some pics of them. But it's far too cold. I'm going to go hibernate up in my office in the attic.

I think it's going to be a hot chocolate and capaccino kind of day. All day.

Sorry if you are waiting for your orders - not sure if I'll make it to the post office today...