Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Lovely Surprises

I opened my Chanukah present from Tara last night and what a treat it was. As if the tin itself wasn't present enough. I'm a bit partial to tins. So that was sure to be a hit before it even began. But to be covered in the most gorgeous matryoshkas made it undeniably, unquestionably THE nicest tin I for one possess.

And as if this wasn't enough. I opened the tin up and low and behold inside was this gorgeous matryoshka pin. Now, isn't it the cutest pin EVER? (No, Tara, you can't have it back) It is already fashioned on my bag and is there to stay.

I think I've already mentioned that I'm not bombarded with Chanukah/Christmas presents. Which quite frankly matters not one iota when your one present is as gorgeous as this.

I hope you all have a fantastic holiday and are blessed with people that know you so well that they get it just as right as Tara did.

We are off to deepest, darkest Wales over New Year, so I'll see you in 2009, where I'll be raring to go with all those ideas that are being stored in my head, whilst family commitments take over. xx

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Happy Holidays! I hope you enjoy your new year in Wales. P.S That pin is gorgeous xxxx