Monday 21 November 2011

I had a lesson in "Never Ever Give Up" last week...

Out of the blue I got an email from someone who had seen me at BCTF 2 years ago...yes, that's right, 2 YEARS ago!
The lady in question had kept my details all this time and finally was ready to place an order!

At that time my work was quite different to what I offer now, but the thing she was most interested in was my cards. I don't really offer these wholesale anymore but was quite happy to do so for her - I would have felt too guilty not to after all this time.

And because it's been so long since I've done a batch of these I had fun today doing the order.
I pulled out a few of some new fabrics and it actually felt like I was doing something completely new and different - although that could say more about my memory of a goldfish and I'd completely forgotten about ever making them!

I particularly enjoyed using one of the Lotta fabrics that has been sitting on my desk waiting to be used. I'd promised myself that I couldn't cut into any of them until there was no more work waiting ie not before Christmas, but since this was work, I could legitimately use it.

A few finishing touches to the cards is needed and then 2 years later, off the order goes in a matter of days. I just hope she finds the wait was worth it.


Nicky said...

These look cute and you have cut up your Echo fabric - still hugging mine!

**nicke... said...

those are very cute. what will she use them for?

Kylie said...

HaHa! They are very cute, and I'm laughing because I started with cards too and people still ask me if I've been making more! :) Good idea about using this time to clear the mind... everything happens for a reason perhaps? :) Kx

rachael {imagine gnats} said...

very cute!