Sunday 6 November 2011

How was your weekend?
Mine was rather fab.
I spent it with these 3 lovely ladies below walking up and down the beautiful Northumberland beaches in the amazing November sunshine.
35 years ago, almost to the day, we all met and spending weekends together is oh so special.

And it's set me up good and proper for the week ahead.
I have not one, but 2 events this weekend and consequently will be busy, busy, busy making pieces to take with me.

The first event is a 2 day event...The Headingley Arts Trail, run by The Bowery. I'm going to be at number 4, 5 Victoria Terrace with 8 other artists. I'm really looking to meeting the other artists. I'd love to see the rest of the trail, but I'm not sure I'll get around.

On Sunday I am at The Otley Courthouse at their Designer Craft Fair. There is due to be a wide range of bespoke handmade products gathered at this fair.
If you find yourself in the area this weekend, do pop along to one (or both!) of these venues. It's a perfect opportunity to do some unique christmas shopping and do stop and say hi - I'd love to see you!


Nicky said...

Good luck there Karen hope you sell well and get lots of fantastic feedback!

jason @ Gold Work Embroidery said...

How good is it to have childhood friends keep in touch! All of mine are over 200 miles away, and far too busy!