I've always had a bit of a thing for crocheted pieces...
...whether it's cosy colourful quilts...

...or fun crazily impractical accessories...

...and especially a present from a lovely blog friend.

I am however resisting the temptation to start yet another crafting hobby, even if it involves collecting a pile of colourful accessories...

Let's face it, I struggle to keep up with the crafts I already do.

Seeing the work of talented crocheters doesn't help with the I-so-want-a-go-at-doing-that syndrome.
Emma Lamb produces exquisite work (above and below). There's something about crochet that's different from than knitting. Maybe it's the shapes, maybe it's the stitches...whatever it is, I just love it. It oozes vintage nostalgia, even it's modern pieces.

Her triangle cushions are stunning and her pixilated work is just awesome. Both are on my one-day-I-will-treat-myself list.

What crafting activity are you resisting trying??
I am teaching myself to crochet this autumn! I must have a go at knitting too as my mum & nan are both fabulous knitters. I'm always in awe of the cardigans they knit for my toddler. I have asked them to show me but I don't follow, I think I'm best from a book in my own time.
Other than that, I need to finish curtains and blinds to keep the warm in.
Agree with you, crochet to me is v vintage looking.
Wouldn't resist crochet - it's fun and easy to carry around. I'd love to learn screen printing and if i find a course close by I will not be resisting for long!
I've been resisting starting a granny square blanket but have just got myself a new mini and think one would look really fab on the back seat. So maybe resistance is useless.
I am resisting exercise... not very hard really... not really a craft either.... but definitely a hobby :-)
I don't resist any new craft, have a go at them all is my motto! You should try crocheting, it's fab!
I have totally got the crochet bug at the moment - a granny square blanket in progress, several Amigurumi pieces on the go and a scarf. I love it because it's so much more portable than knitting.
I'm thinking of making crochet my skill of 2012! I'm a fair knitter, but there are so many fun crochet projects in the world that I'm missing out on. Maybe we can motivate one another to add ANOTHER craft to our lives :)
Lovely lovely selection x
What a gorgeous post! Thank you so much for the mention too Karen - you are such a good egg :) One day I'll come back to the UK for a solo trip and teach you some hookery... if you can wait that long! ;) I love crochet because it's so relaxing - almost like meditating and you can do it watching TV! :)) Have a great week Karen. Kx
I love the picture with the bike. I would love my bike to have one.
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