I don't know about you but I rarely make something for me or the home because I want to. There's normally a zillion other things that NEED doing.
It's more a case of "oh my g-d, I need THIS and I need it NOW!"
(I really should have taken a before shot to illustrate EXACTLY how much I needed to.)

It's Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, starting tonight and I have 24 for dinner...hence a lot of table cloths needed ironing. The makeshift ironing board cover that I put on a month ago (because the old one split) was not doing the job with ironing super-sized cloths, a tricky job at the best of times.
So with shopping still to do, lots of dinner still to make, not to mention the rearranging of the house to seat the aforementioned 24 people, I set to making a new ironing board cover. I know I could have just grabbed everything and gone to iron them at Mum's - hell, she'd have probably offered to iron them for me if I had - but no, I had to have a new ironing board cover and NOW!

Have you ever made an ironing board cover?
It's one of those really gratifying projects. It's pretty quick to do and with a little consultation of this tutorial, the whole thing was done in way less than half an hour...far less time than it would have taken me to take the whole lot over to Mum's in the first place.
And what's more, now I have a pretty - and functional - ironing board.
One day I will sit and make something for us because I WANT to...
You are certifiably nuts - though you do have a lovely ironing board cover. I'm feeling smug because I have - finally - made myself the pencil case I needed, a laundry bag and a yoga mat bag for my daughter.
Hope you have a stressfree evening!
Happy New Year!! :)
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