A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to get my hands on a copy of a book we have all been waiting for, The Liberty Book of Home Sewing.
If, like me, you are a Liberty fan (Liberty's of London was on my Must See in London List when showing Ruby the sites of London earlier this year, for goodness sake), then this book will not disappoint.
From the minute you hold the book in your hands, with its beautiful fabric covering, to the flicks through the first fabric printed pages, this is a Liberty Lover's joy.

However...I then have to admit to an initial disappointment, as I impatiently flicked through the pages, thinking it was dark and uninviting.
The trouble was, I delved in so quickly, I didn't savour any of it and thankfully I very quickly realised my initial reaction was oh so wrong, and what I had in front of me was a beautiful, broody, evocative and indeed very insightful sewing book.

The book does not forget that it is essentially a sewing book. It is full of a comprehensive list of projects, the projects themselves which are exquisitely styled and photographed and entice you to want to make every one of them.

What else defines a good sewing book? Well, obviously clear step-by-step instructions are a must.
I love the hand drawn illustrations that go alongside the instructions. I'm a bit of a sucker for pictures to go alongside recipes in cookery books and I expect the same with sewing books. The projects are full of illustrations making following the instructions very straightforward.

Like all the best sewing books, there are detailed descriptions of basic sewing techniques, again accompanied by lovely hand-drawn illustrations.

And just when you are ready to take a breather from all the excitement, the final pages will have your heart racing even more...a glossary of beautiful Liberty fabrics to feast your eyes on.

So do add this book to your sewing library and I implore you to take it slowly.
Don't do as I did...go make that cup of tea...sit down when you have time to savour it and then slowly, slowly take pleasure in the visual feast and be safe in the knowledge that this book isn't going anywhere and it will be one you will return to for many years to come.
Oh! Thank you for the review! I'll definitely be adding this to my wish list! :)
if anyones interested, the book people have it for £7.99 (http://www.thebookpeople.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/qs_product_tbp?storeId=10001&catalogId=10051&langId=100&productId=250680)
a fantastic deal!
It looks like such a lovely book! For the styling and fabric glossary at least as much as the actual projects. Can't wait to get my paws on a copy.
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