It's been a Bad Day at the Office today...
Last week's screen-printing class was cancelled due to a technical hitch in the workshop, so as I'm sure you can imagine, I was chomping at the bit to get back in there today.
I had quite a pile of designs since I'd had twice as long to play around with them, so I was already in a quandary as which one I was actually going to use.
I was really liking my latest design here on the top, but decided to go with last week's hexie design as it would work better in this week's task of Colour Alignment. Also I had incorporated a lot of different patterns in this and was keen to see how they would look in print.

We arrived, prepared and exposed our screens with the 2 layers of the design (sorry, omitted to take a photo here) and got ready to print the first layer.
All good so far...

I was really happy with how the hexies in the first layer turned out and was feeling rather excited at adding the second layer of design.
And this is where it all started to go wrong...

The second layer wouldn't line up with the first and I realised I had put the pattern upside down on the light unit and so had produced a back to front screen...grrrr. (You can see above, the hexie bottom left prints over the yellow one.)
And because it took me a while to realise this, in the meantime the screen dried out and consequently wouldn't print through.

I was a little bit frustrated, to say the least, that I wasn't able to execute the lesson properly and get any satisfactory prints.
If I am going to take any positives away from this week, it is to realise that there is a lot to learn and remember with every process and with every screen print. It really didn't matter that I had made mistakes. The finished pieces are for my journal, not for producing any perfect specimens. There is (hopefully) plenty of time for that and what it has enabled me to have is a perfect, in it's own way, example of problems that can occur and how to avoid or rectify them.
Next week is the last week of the course. We are using this week's design, hopefully the right way, to print onto fabric, which is very exciting.
And hopefully the mistakes that have come up this week will enable me to do that pretty much as perfectly as I am capable.
How frustrating - especially when you had to wait so long. But it is probably a lesson you will never in the long run making it now will save time! Better luck next time - I'd love to be doing this course too, sigh!
ah, its all part of the learning process Karen. love your colours. have you thought of what you'll use your fabrics for?
Oh Karen, how exciting!! What a fabulous course this is, and how great to be able to make these mistakes in the learning arena... I guarantee you will never make this mistake again, and that's what's so great, don't you think? Kx
p.s. sorry if this is WAY too Pollyanna a comment - feel free to mumble a few curses at me! ;)
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