I have to start by apologising for the forth-coming oozing that is about to ensue about what is essentially a product that I have created.
It isn't very modest of me to be gushing so much about my own work.
And really I'm not so much oozing about the pouch, but more the fabric that I have made it with.

I bought this navy linen on my recent trip to Fabworks a couple of weeks ago. I fell in love with it immediately and even though I wasn't sure what it would be used for, since that has never stopped me in the past, I figured I needed to buy some anyway.

Unfortunately, due to my photography, you aren't seeing the beautiful colour of the navy. You'll have to trust me on that one. What you can see and consequently imagine, is the stunning selvedge stating the linen and wool mix. This gives the linen such a soft feel without actually losing the crispness that linen gives.

Along with the linen, the Liberty piece has been sitting on the pile waiting for it's turn to be included. I picked it up on my trip to Liberty back in April, spying it out for perfect pouch lining material. It's a beautiful contemporary design in navy that works perfectly with the linen. I love the combination.

So the combination of my new Stitched Design Pouches with both of these new fabrics is making me very happy indeed. I hope you like it too because there's going to be a lot more of this combination going around.
It has also given me a BIG idea with screen printing that I can not wait to try out.
I am very excited about this...
Those are lovely Karen.
Wow! Really gorgeous Karen. I was equally excited by the Made in England words in the selvedge! ;) Seems everything's made in Ch*na these days and exceptions are so appreciated :) kx
Nothing wrong with a little gushing about your own work, especially when it is such lovely stuff!
By the way, congratulations on the 're-structuring' of your business. I wish you every success!
How lovely (and a little frustrating that I can't buy the fabric on line!) I was not sure which pouch post to comment on, I love them both
The fabric looks lovely and your work is great, gush away! I was born in Dewsbury where that fabric mill shop is, and spent the first 5 years of my life near there in a little terrace house on Crackenedge lane! keep up the fab work:)
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