It seems like a long time ago now that I was obsessing with Freezer Paper as a printing method, but since doing the Screen Printing Course it took a back seat. Not only did it take a back seat, but I wasn't sure if there was going to be a place for it now that I was screen printing.

Having invested in a fair size roll of freezer paper, I was a bit cross with myself for being so flitty with yet another craft.

Today I learnt that there is definitely still a place for freezer paper printing.
It goes without saying that screen printing is perfect for producing quantities in a way that just doesn't work with freezer paper.
And in contrast freezer paper is perfect for one offs. The time and expense of producing a screen for just one print obviously makes little sense.

So I was delighted to remember my stash of freezer paper that I could use to personalise this commissioned cushion. I used to embroider the details but with my recent penchant for printed fabric I really wanted to find a way of doing this.
been following your printing with interest - what ink/dye do you use?
This free paper method looks great but is it as easy as you make it look?
that's really sweet Karen - freezer paper works very well here - and it's probably more cost effective than creating a screen too.
You are so right Karen, and it looks fantastic :) Kx
This looks super good!
I love the cushion so much and the freezer paper is a great idea1
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