Forgive me for harping on about screen printing as much as I am.
It's partly because I am so loving it and partly as my own diary and record of what I am printing and where my journey is going.

My journey is moving at quite a pace and if I don't keep a note of it then, like anything, it's so easy to forget how it has been developing.

Today I went into the workshop for 4 hours - 4 whole fantastic productive hours. I produced so much stuff today and just about all of it I'm very excited about.
I experimented with some new card designs - more about those another day - and I also worked on a new stitch design, as well as trying out Framed Flowers in different colours, all with the idea of turning into napkins.
What do you reckon?

I have to say, I'm loving this green ink. It's so zingy and fresh. At the moment there isn't a place that is calling out for green in this house, but I'm racking my brains as to where it might fit in, because I sure do have to have me some.

Tonight I will mostly be sewing up some of each into napkins...can't wait to see how they will turn out.
I love the orange stitch print on beige material - if indeed it is a print not your original source material. Not surprised you are so in love with screen printing. x Gabs
Looking good, harp on all you like, it's fun isn't it?
absolutely lovely!
Love the green and pink napkins, teatowels would be lovely too ! All your stuff is so fresh, its so nice to go through it !
I love that citrus green and use it all the time in my screenprinting so I'm 100% with you here, Karen. I think your designs are spectacular! Very envious of your speediest (again!) too :) Kx
I love that green colour. Love the pattern as well.
gorgeous green - would fit into my kitchen dining room very well!
fantastic! your enthusiasm is infectious! keep up the great work and thank you for your supportive comment on my blog it means a great deal to me so thanks:)
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