Wednesday 5 March 2014

:: finishes ::

i know it is only march but i am giving myself a huge pat on the back on how driven i am by keeping to my new year's resolutions of tidying the studio and getting projects finished before starting new ones. at this point ruby will be coughing **modest**...

but seriously, as you are well aware, i am always distracted by something new and shiny, so to even finish 1, start 2 (oh ok maybe still 3 or 4...) is a huge achievement.

i am not wholly sure if finishing a gift counts but still...a finish is a finish.

it was my sister's 50th last week and the quilt was gifted last friday night. as you can see, she absolutely loves it...or maybe she is a good actress. either way it was a success and i was ready to move on to the next...

i can't believe i allowed my studio to get into such a terrible state. the advantage to having it tidy is i can actually see what WIPs i have. previously they were hidden under piles of, well quite frankly, piles of who knows what. it was a disgrace.

with 2 of my WIPs now staring me in the face i'm onto getting them finished.

finish number 1 is my kiss quilt...
this has now been quilted and waiting for the final job of binding. i'm hoping that will be today.

finish number 2 is my beautiful Bee a Brit Stingy hourglass quilt top that is sitting under the machine as we speak.

3 quilt finishes in a week? what is the world coming to? 

to be honest, if the year finishes here, it will have been a successful one.


Rachel said...

Beautiful quilts, I love the one you made for your sister!

Charlotte said...

blimey - I'm impressed!

elsy said...

lovely quilt gift....i also gave one to my sister for her 50th.....still not sure if she liked it ha !

lindsey said...

I love the photo of your sister...yes she does love her gift! I really need to tidy my study/work room too...sometime :)

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Wow, I'll have what you're having!

Nicky said...

Most excellent! Well done bravo -tell Ruby there is lots to shout about here!

Natasha said...

What a lucky sister, oh sisters are the best!! Way to go on keeping those resolutions!!