Hello, me again.
I feel I have been bombarding you all with blog posts a little more than is necessary at this very busy time, but I needed to ask you a question, or two.

You may have seen my previous post today about my scrap bags and the update not that long later to say they had sold out so quickly.
This got me thinking.
It seems that giving a selection of fabrics is possibly more appealing than buying separate larger pieces.

So what I'd be interested to know is, would you like to have a mix of fabrics available? Say, quarter of the size of the larger panel, but in 4 different colours? Perhaps you would like a pack of both designs in 2 colourways?

I'd still offer the full panels too but I obviously want to be able to give you what you want and by the way the scrap packs go, then maybe a mixture is what you are after too.
I really would value any feedback on this, so thank you in advance and as I said earlier today...
Have a great weekend!
I think a choice of 4 smaller fabrics for a certain price is a good idea. I have seen some on Etsy that have a listing for any 4 fabrics...and then in the comments you say which 4 and what colour way you want. hth
I love multi packs. It takes the off pressure of choosing *one perfect thing*
I also think you should start a flickr group for people to post things they've made with your gorg fabric!
I also think the varied packs would be the way to go. Say a set of the triangles in all colors, a set of flowers in all colors, then maybe a set of 2 triangles with 2 different colored flower pieces. You could really mix it up. Nothing ventured, nothing gained :)
Yes please, definitely a selection would be a real bonus.
I like the multi packs too - definitely a good idea!
P x
I like the idea of a packs of smaller pieces too. And thank you for my fabric which arrived today even though I only ordered it on Thursday night. Great service!
Think your designs so more-ish so yes I love the idea of a mixture!
Yes please - smaller bit would be lovely
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