Friday 5 October 2012

 Why is it so easy to get distracted?

Or is it just me?

I have got on really well in The List stakes this week and so sub-consciously I must have told myself I could have a bit of a play today.
Not that I had anywhere near ticked everything off, you understand...and had only just ticked off all the Must Do's ...
(I cheated a little...moved some off...shhhh) 
 Anywaaaaaays...I had worked really hard this week and definitely deserved a little play with fabrics. 
I was cutting up my fabric for the Addicted to Text - UK Charm Swap (organised by the lovely Charlotte...more on that another day) really enjoying the therapeutic nature of it, when I had the random thought of making my own charm packs. Never one to let an idea pass without trying it out, I set to cut...

I think they look rather pretty...what do you reckon? 
And as I am not so superficial to know that looks aren't everything, they are pretty darn useful too...

Go check them out and if you want to make me feel less guilty about playing today when I should have been working, humour me and treat yourself to a set (particularly if you have you 10% off...)...then I'll feel like really it was useful work.


lindsey said...

These fabrics are beautiful...well done! and there's nothing wrong with moving a few items off a list ;)

memmens said...

Great idea Karen, makes it more affordable and justifiable! But I am on a fabric diet after buying a new machine!

Nicky said...

Fabulous idea Karen! I like!