Thursday 26 July 2012

What are the chances of this??

What are the chances of Number 1 coming up on the Random Number Generator??
Ok all you smartypants out there, as a Maths teacher I am well aware that every number has an equal chance of occurring, but really, Number 1?

I am delighted to announce Deb as the winner. I am delighted because it saves me having to count, recount, and recount again through the comments to get the right one. I am also delighted as Deb is currently celebrating (?) Ramadan and needs something to keep her mind off those long hours of fasting. Look forward to seeing your inspired makes Deb

Thank you all once again new followers and old for entering and for Alice for the extremely generous giveaway.

Apologies once more to all you overseas folk that weren't able to enter this time, but look out for next week's giveaway. It's a real goodie...and open to one and all...that's all I'm saying...for now...


Charlotte said...

aww, congratulations Deb!

Unknown said...

WOOP!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahem, I mean, I would like to thank Karen for this generous opportunity to win some kick. Ass. Fabric.


Gill said...

Thanks for a great giveaway and congratulations to Deb!

Paravent said...

Congratulations to the winner!! Kx

Wendy said...

1 actually comes up often. I've seen 5 or 6 giveaways in the past week or so where the winner is number 1. I think you've got a better chance somehow...