Thursday 5 July 2012

 Having had these fabrics on my desk all last week for my Siblings Together quilt, I have slowly been sneaking in a little playing time each day.
Earlier in the week I I had set my heart on having a go at the Castle Walls Block from the Shape  Workshop for Quilters Book by the lovely peeps at Fat Quarterly.

 Those that know my work will realise this is quite a departure of styles for me. Normally I can be seen quilting in relative simplistic styles, but this has completely converted me. 
I was hooked when i first started quilting and this is pulling me in even further.
It could be the fantastic fabrics that are pulling me in, but I am pretty sure you will start to see some more intricate piecing around these parts.

I am such a beginner at piecing blocks that I didn't even realise that the pattern was mirroring itself and when I pieced together the adjacent blocks I had a real "oh my g-d" moment at seeing the central castle emerging! I am slightly embarrassed at mentioning that, but I know you will gain delight from hearing it.

I had a slight technical hitch when I ran out of FMF, but to be quite honest I had done more than I should have done today so a natural pause has taken place, while I wait for reinforcements from the quilt's sponsor.

I am still undecided with how I am going to finish off the quilt (I'm thinking of piecing a border of some sort) and what to use for the binding. 
Any thoughts?


Charlotte said...

ha! that is so cool, and I totally missed it until you pointed it out. Love the fabrics :-D

Cherie said...

That looks great so far! The colours work well together! Something scrappy for the binding perhaps?

Reene@Nellie's Niceties said...

Looks fabulous! I'd do a solid aqua border then a pieced border and a red and white striped binding, but that's me :-)

Nicky said...

I think I'd continue those outer squares into the background as a border - bit like Lynne did recently!

Maybe chocolate brown binding!?

Linda said...

An aqua border. A red ( same shade as the flowers in the quilt fabric) and white stripe or red with a white spot for the binding.