Wednesday 28 March 2012

If you read Lynne's blog then you will know all about Siblings Together, an inititative dedicated towards promoting positive contact between siblings separated by care. 
One such initiative that Siblings Together organise is a camp where the siblings get precious time to play and just be together.

After meeting one of the volunteers of the camps, Lynne came up with the brilliant idea of us as a community providing quilts for these kids - something special, something handmade just for them as a reminder away from camp of a special time they have shared with their siblings.

These are a couple of quilts I was thinking would work for the kids, but actually I'm thinking of starting from scratch so every stitch will have them in mind.

What do you reckon? Would you like to be involved? Have you time to make a quilt? or maybe you'd like to get involved in some other way by donating fabric that someone with a bit more time could make, or perhaps a few blocks that could be made up into a quilt with some from others.
Go check out Lynne's blog for further information and also the Flickr Group that Lynne has set up. 

It feels just great to give something back.


celticfusionfabrics said...

Thank you for letting us know Karen .. have just posted ... thank you - Gwen

celticfusionfabrics said...

Thank you for letting us know - have just posted .. people are so generous - those quilts are just gorgeous -