Today has been a very good and an equally very bad day. We are suffering at home from serious cyber related unwanted interference, causing house phones, mobiles and internet to be inefficient at best and downright defunct at worst. Downright defunct was pretty much the name of today.

To my detriment, I turned in relatively early last night (this side of midnight) and omitted to download the latest orders. So when crisis hit this morning I had no way of getting the orders off the internet and found myself in a pretty darn tricky and annoying situation.

I spent much of the afternoon on the phone to a very nice man from my internet provider. Very nice didn't bloody get it working though. Frustration and anger set in and I was about to admit defeat and camp out at my parents, when miracle of miracle the internet resurfaced...temporarily.

It's being extremely temperamental and causing me no end of angst. Hopefully very nice man no. 2 who is coming round at 9am tomorrow to investigate further, will clear up the trouble and we'l have no further issues.

The very good part of the day is all this gorgeous Liberty fabrics that you may have been casting your eyes over, whilst reading about my ever so traumatic situation. Manda took me to a gem of a fabric shop, Fabworks, that I've been wanting to go to for ages. As you can see from the website pics, this store is piled high, and even higher with all sorts of shirting, woollen fabrics, upholstery fabrics and to my delight, Liberty prints.

We mainly went to choose some fabrics for Saturday's Workshop, but I obviously didn't stop there and came away with al these beautiful Liberty's. They are all just beautiful and are going to be featuring heavily in my forthcoming work. The white flowers on teal is for the back of my grey knitted cushion (which is coming along very well, thank you very much) and the folksy print has already come in very useful for a keyring order I had today. The multitude of patterns on this fabric, is just incredible and goes with absolutely anything.

I adore the pink houses - so pretty without being sickly and I am completely in love with the green flower - so fresh and simply stunning. And I have a new project up my sleeve for Christmas presents that they are all going to be used in one form or another...
So, as I said, very bad, but oh so very good too.
Oooooo - look at all that beautiful eye-candy!!!!
Looks like you're gonna be having tons of fun with all that pretty fabric.
Your phone/mobile and internet troubles must be very annoying - hope it's sorted out soon.
Jill x
Sorry about the internet trouble ... but oh so envious of that gorgeous shop close to you ...! x
Oh Karen... I feel for you, babe - we don't realise just how much we rely on the internet until it goes down. Glad it's all working again now.
Now.... about those fabrics... OMG! I would LOVE to be able to buy some of those! Any chance you'd consider on-selling from your shop? They are absolutely divine :)) Kx
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