I promised I'd show you the picture we bought at Knitting & Stitching last week. As I'm writing "last week" that sounds so weird. Time has seemed to have stood still this last week in the UK. We've been blessed? thwarted? with the biggest and earliest snowstorm of recent years, which has caused no end of disruption to our normal routine...
Hour round trips to do just 3 miles...
School buses not turning up...
Only to get phone calls a couple of hours later declaring school was closing anyway.

So to think that it wasn't even a week ago that we bought this picture seems ludicrous.
I absolutely adore this picture and it was just one of many of Fiona Wilson's pieces that I could have bought.
In fact, matthew and I did stand there for a fair while looking at them all, shortlisting, agreeing, disagreeing, convincing each other, changing our minds and eventually deciding on this one.
Like all Fiona's pieces, there is so much in this picture. Her attention to detail is mind-blowing.From the cut out houses above to the pink screen-printed houses below, with the embroidered coastline.
Fiona is inspired by maps and uses this in a very innovative way in all her work. Check out her website for a taste of this. Her work is incredibly appealing and draws you right in. There is just so much to explore in her pictures.
It's not quite framed and up on the wall (I'm not quite sure how something can be "not quite" up on the wall...it either is or it isn't) but I am enjoying it alot.
And once this phase of winter passes us, I'll be straight down to a large home-wares store near me to pick up the necessary frame and actually have it up on the wall.
I do remember those snowstorms fondly...chaotic but beautiful.
Stunning artwork!
Our corner of the country was brought to a halt totally and utterly by 1/4" of snow yesterday. Feeling a bit more justified as we've got about 8" now.
Oh how divine! You lucky thing! Just love it and very envious btw of your snow :) Hope you get to stay at home all safe and warm to enjoy this time. Kx
Wow - thank you! Lovely comments, especially since I have been in bed with a very nasty cold since the K&S show. Glad you still love it and hope it gets up on your wall soon.
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