Sunday 14 February 2010

I hope it's been a lovely Valentine's Day for you. Right here we've been clearing out the love nest. That's the next room to be hit by the builders tomorrow.

Actually it's been a bit of a blessing. I'd been meaning to clear out my wardrobe for ages and I managed to get rid of 3 bin bag worth of old clothes. The wardrobe is looking a little empty now, so I shall have to rectify that very soon ;-)

We' don't really do Valentine's Day in our house. 'We' don't really believe in it. I think you know who 'we' might be...

As a consequence I normally buy Matthew a present that we'll both like (it's normally the only one I get.)

I've been wanting one of Dee's prints for ever. So to coincide with all the refurb we are doing, it seemed a good time to purchase.

Fortunately Matthew loves it as mush as I do and is very keen to get the others I have my eye on too.

Hope you got what you wanted this Valentine's Day xx


Anonymous said...

What a lovely print as as 'we' also don't do Valentine's I think I'll take a leaf out of your book and buy 'us' a present :)

Snooze said...

we don't do valentine's day either ... Mr H didn't even know it was valentine's day until i mentioned it later in the day. your print is really sweet and good luck with the reno. I'm getting a few things electrical done on friday and I can't wait.

One Flew Over said...

Nor us! But I love these images!!

silverpebble said...

That print is beautiful - thankyou so much for the link. This is a much more long-lasting gift than chocs, even if V day is a bit of a no go. We don't really do the heart thing either. I bought Mr P a packet of tomato seeds and some beer.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous print, it's going to look fab with your Orla and new cushions. "We" didn't used to do Valentines either but "we've" progressed the passed couple of years!

Millie said...

WE don't do Valentines Day either. Good Job....I'd be severely disappointed! However i just bought one of Dee's prints for my husband's birthday next month. Thanks for the link.

Kylie said...

Yah for joint presents!! Maybe that commercialism thing isn't so bad after all?!! :) K

Dee said...

Hi Karen,
didn't realise you'd posted this but had been wondering / hoping you were pleased with the print.
delighted you were
Dee x