Wednesday 13 August 2008

New York, New York

This time tomorrow we'll be in the big US of A. First stop on our adventure is New York City. I for one cannot wait. And judging by the children's uncontrollable behaviour, they too are excited beyond words.

We've decided that first port of call has to be The Empire State Building.

I'm still trying to work out how to fit in a trip to Purl...

Ruby and I have been very busy getting ourselves ready for being Stateside.

After all, we wouldn't want to arrive ill-prepared.

I'm sure there's going to be alot of posting to be done by the time we get back. Hope you all have a great rest of August and look forward to catching up in September.

See y'all xxx


Kristy said...

Don't forget Tinsel Trading and the japanese book store near Bryant Park!

Karen Lewis Textiles said...

Oh my goodness. Not sure my pass out will allow me 3 venues! Already feeling frustrated that this trip isn't just for me - if at all!

Anonymous said...

I still think it's mean of you not to be taking me with you!
Have a great time though! See you when you get back...

Anonymous said...

oooh lots of feedback please as i will be making lots of trips ther next year as husband is working there for a year before we decide to move for have a fab time.
love your blog btw Rxx