Tuesday 2 September 2014

Blueberry Park Makes 3...

So you have all been super busy over the summer and August's IG #blueberryparkmakes was full of gorgeous creations.

It was honestly so difficult to pick, but rules are rules soI could only pick 4...

clockwise from top left we have...

@greenandbell ~ Rebecca's scrappy improv quilt is an absolute delight...so much beautiful piecing for the eye to gaze over.

@nohatsquilts ~ Sarah is the queen of miniature piecing and I just love these pants!

@lisasew ~ lisa came to one of my first screen printed workshops and designed and printed up the central panel for her sewing machine cover...love it!

@isobel_hill ~ Isobel's drawstring bag is a win on every level...cute bag...gorgeous colours and hexies...ticks all round!

Thank you everyone for making and tagging your pics. I just love seeing your makes. Go check more about these and others in the group and keep making with my fabrics!
