Monday, 26 May 2014


You know this strange old internet based world of ours and all the friends we meet on the way but only communicate through the screens and keyboard in front of us? Well, I'm very excited to be meeting one of my cyber friends at the weekend. 

I have been following Nancy on Instagram for a while now, having fallen in love with her quilting style and she was following me back, having been quite smitten with my fabrics. One of those online friendships developed. You know the type...I live in UK...Nancy lives in USA...never the twain shall meet...

but no! Nancy is over in the UK at the mo on holiday and is planning a stop over at mine on Saturday to pick up some fabrics she has ordered! I can't wait! Nancy has such a fantastic eye for colour (she put together the charm pack above and below) and I can't wait to meet her!

Building the charm packs for Nancy whilst chatting over IG was such a pleasure...seeing the colour mixes she was after was pure delight. I am very excited to hand them over to her and can't wait to see what magic she produces with them.

I really do get a kick of our cyber world and all the friends we make on the way. And if we actually get to meet in the flesh...well that's a real added bonus.

The yellows above and a blue-substituted-for-purple pack below are more charm packs that have been custom built for more cyber buddies that who knows maybe I will meet one day too. 

One thing I have learnt is never say never and keep those friendships blossoming for the day that it actually happens. x


Charlotte said...

oooh, lucky you! Say hello from me :-D

sweetbriardreams said...

How lovely! Have a wonderful time personally giving her order to her. xx

Nicky said...

Yeah! Looking forward to seeing you in London!

Unknown said...

OMGosh I love all of these so much! I just ordered 3 of your scrap packs and I'm already impatient for them to arrive. I found you via @stuffandwhatnot's #thisquilterinspiresme and I'm so grateful! You do amazing work!