Thursday 31 October 2013

a week in the odd word or 2...

 what a week...and it's still only thursday!

it all started with Ruby's Bat Mitzvah weekend which went brilliantly.
i had been very anxious about it for weeks partly due to how much work i have on at the mo and how on earth i was going to have time to prepare for the batty as well and partly due to not having dad with us. i have been very emotional about that for the weeks leading up to the batty and was worried i wouldn't be able to keep it together...
i did keep it together...
for most of the time...
well, some of the time.

we had a truly wonderful weekend and one thing it did teach me was, whilst it is beyond sad that dad is no longer here to share these occasions with us, it is so important to build new happy memories.

the work side of life has had to fit in alongside. it couldn't stop altogether due to the up coming xmas fairs and other deadlines.

the newly discovered silver brussels linen was made up into cushions and napkins. i can't tell you how much i love this fabric. it's so soft and smooth and of the most exquisite colour and i blame that for my little sideways distraction of piecing it together with some of my printed pieces. i haven't quite decided whether this is destined to become a quilt or wall art...time will tell.

then things got a bit more colourful...

selvedge needle books for the xmas fairs...
ruby's horse printed onto vintage fabric that is destined to become famous...
printed fabrics for a new exciting commission...
a play around with lotje's gorgeous pattern for this week's big city girl QAL...i couldn't's so cute!...and besides my new love kona fern had arrived and i just had to find something to sew with it...

and then finally, not made all this week, my screen printing table drop cloth... 
it could just be the colours but i'm thinking it would look great framed as a piece of art...or maybe not!

another mad week in my mad and hectic world and looking at the calendar it isn't due to get any less mad this side of 2014 so you may just see photo mosaics cropping up regularly just to keep you up to speed with what's going on around these parts!


Charlotte said...

crazy busy, but happy busy too it seems! :-D

Gilly Tee said...

I agree, definitely a work of art.

Nicky said...

I'm tired just from reading all the things you have been up to!

I think if you think about your dad then in some sense he is still at that celebration with you - at least that's how I feel about my departed parents.

Sounds like you are gearing up to a huge finale! Keep going - I'm cheering you on!