Wednesday 12 December 2012

cushion kits...peut-être?

 This week is all about... 
1. keeping up with the last flurry of online orders...
2. getting Chanukah/Christmas/teacher thank you gifts sewn up...
and 3. being distracted by new product thoughts.

 I have been working on some more adult oriented kits (hey, less of that you!) of late and whilst making this cushion for my In Laws, the lightbulb overhead went on.
How would a kit for an HST cushion be with everything you needed to make your own quilted cushion be? 

The kit would come with all the Thangles you needed - you gotta love Thangles - the front fabrics, probably my screen printed fabrics, to keep it unique, full instructions etc etc.
What do you reckon? Is this something you would be interested in for yourself? as a gift? And also would you want the backing fabric and wadding included or provide your own to keep costs down?

I'd be really interested to hear your thoughts if you have a mo, imbetween what I am sure is an equally busy week for you.


Adrianne @ On the Windy Side said...

I think it's a great idea. I probably wouldn't buy the kit to make the cushion myself, because the design process is my favourite part. But I would potentially buy it as a gift for someone else, and therefore it including all materials would be more appealing than having to add some in. I think using your own fabric in the kit is a unique selling point, and makes it something someone couldn't just make themselves without buying the kit.

Charlotte said...

fab idea! I think that you should include the backing and wadding (but not the pad) so that you can reach a wider market. Maybe offer a backing option?

Paravent said...

Fabulous idea Karen! and that is one gorgeous cushion pattern too :) Kx

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Gorgeous cushion! I agree with Charlotte and backing options are a great idea.

Nicky said...

Unlikely to buy it for myself but more as a pressie to lure some unfortunate into making as Lucy and Charlotte say!

Kay said...

Great idea. If I was buying a cushion kit I would expect the backing fabric to be there too. It just makes life easier to have all the bits together.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Fab idea! I don't think I'd buy it for myself (but I may ask for it as a present!) but I'd definitely be tempted to buy it as a gift for my SIL and I think it'd be easier if wadding and backing were included...