Thursday 24 May 2012

I was very pleased to tick a Bar Mitzvah job off the list today.
Part of the celebrations include a party at home and no party is complete without bunting.

 Despite having several buntings that I have made over the years I had in my head that I wanted rows of them high up criss crossing across the driveway, rather than simply strewn across the fence or hedge or the like, which is what I usually do.
 I wanted impact... 
I wanted bunting with attitude...
and I also wanted rectangular bunting flags, not triangles.
 So there was obviously only one thing to do...
make some!
I decided to be frugal and look through my larger scrap pieces and screen printed pieces that were slight seconds and began cutting into random sized rectangle. 
I'm definitely not a neat and tidy and orderly person so random sizes suits me perfectly.

 So having now got piles of random coloured and shaped rectangles the question was what was I going to do with them?
I wasn't sure whether to do completely ad hoc or have some kind of order.
If order was involved was it going to be one red row, one orange row, one green row etc?

Having laid them all out over my studio floor, I eventually decided on each one being a rainbow so the depth of colours could be seen in rows.
I hooked them up on the deck to see if it gave the impact I was looking for and I'm so pleased with them and can't wait to get them in their proper spot on the day.

The only thing left is do I have enough?
I'm thinking maybe a couple more rows...


Charlotte said...

those are AMAZING! Really lovely idea!

beth said...

oh, how fun!! i love them - the range of color and the rectangle shape, too.

Cherie said...

The look great! Such a nice mix of colours =D

I'm hosting a new swap over at my blog if anyone is interested please pop over for a look =D

**nicke... said...

love these! so so cute and sooo easy!

poppyart said...
