Thursday 26 April 2012

So, carrying on with my attacking the long list of things I want to try out mode (note: 'want' rather than 'need') here is a jewellery pouch that I've been wanting to produce.

 I didn't sleep very well last night and for some reason every time I was awake I found myself trying to work out how it would all piece together.
Do you ever do that?
So once awake today I had to give it a go.

It has to be said, it wasn't easy!
I had sort of got a picture of it in my head of how the zips and linings needed to go, but it didn't transfer quite as easily as I had hoped.
Thank goodness I made notes along the way because I'm not sure I would be able to remember what I did, without working through from scratch again.

Strangely it has worked out exactly as it was in my head, including the divided pockets on one side and ribbon fasteners at either end (although I did have to use my trusted friend the stitch ripper as I had obviously forgotten to place the ribbons the first time. 

I love finding time to try new things an all I need to do now is try it out a few more times to see if it really is a goer.

What do you reckon?


Whitney-Anne Baker said...

oh yes! I had exactly this idea a while back but decided that life was too short for all those zippers ( or any zippers come to that! ). So glad you went ahead and did it because it looks wonderful.

Nicky said...

Love that luscious pink! Yum! Goes so well with your navy screen prints!

Is it padded a little to protect the contents - can't really tell!? I would just add a layer on the outside if not!

Cherie said...

It looks great! Love the divide.
Did you write down how you made it? I'd love to know =D

Charlotte said...

This looks fab! I do that all the time, wake up thinking about how to do new design/technique it drives me crazy

Kylie said...

It's fabulous! I love how you've worked it out by trial and error - best way :) Re Creative Insominia: I do that all the time but my hubby is the worst! He'll be up night after night if he has a problem to nut out. Hope you get a good night's sleep now! Kx