One of the wonderful features of the sewing machine I am currently using is all the pretty stitches it has.

Whilst I could go crazy and incorporate most of these into projects, I am being very refrained (bet that made you laugh - me? refrained?) and just rolling with one at the moment.

I've up-dated a pouch I previously made, with the limited stitches I had on my old machine, with this circle design.
I just love the simplicity of the stitch. It has just enough detail to make it interesting, without being too fussy and over-powering.

I'm sure I won't be able to be refrained for that much longer and you'll get to see some of the other stitches this machine can produce, but in the meantime these are available here and here.
Hi Karen, I love the pouches and am intrigued to know more about your sewing machine trial and laughed to myself because looking at the Pfaff machines was on my list today!
I'm looking at getting a new machine, and am very tempted by the Juki Exceed range - I love the automatic thread cutter that's operated through the foot pedal, the knee lift, the fact that it can sew through super thick (and I mean super thick) seams etc., plus all the stitches.
I look forward to hearing more about how you get on with the machine!
ps I love the stripes on the euro screenprint - I find my stripe keyrings and dog tidy pouches go very well too, but I also love all your colours together! :)
These pouches are adorable!
Oh nice, did you use an normal machine for the stitch or a embroidery sewing machine?
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