I have just discovered a gorgeous range of fabrics by Sarah Jane. I'm not sure why my finger wasn't on the pulse with these as they are just oh so perfect for my Pencil Rolls.

They aren't widely available in the UK, in fact I have only found them here and here. Perhaps you know other stockists, so please share if you have.

I just love this range. It's so quirky and fresh and fun, with a lovely vintage edge. I often find it harder to get good girl deigns as, for me personally, they are too sugary sweet and girly girly, but these have such a fun element. The hopscotch design is just fab - such fun and I love the balloons with the bunny and little girl hanging on for dear life!

It's equally hard to find good boy designs too - more because there just aren't as many fabrics designed for boys.
But again these are just perfect. They aren't overly glaring and again, have such a humorous, quirky edge to them.

The paper aeroplanes is such a fab design and I think the rocket one will be a huge hit with little boys everywhere. I think they may edge their way into more than just my pencil rolls...

These fabrics are just a few of the range and I'm dying to get my hands on this one, that I could only find in the US, as it will be just perfect for the rolls...I think only about 4 more sleeps til it's here...
ps these pencil rolls are based on the original design by Manda over at Treefall Design
Very lovely fabrics!
They look wonderful Karen! What a great find. I particularly love the paper plane one :) Kx
So cute Karen!!
Hi Karen! Thank You for adding my shop on your blog!!
Please visit again at www.aspenfabrics.etsy.com , there are more prints from this collection on its way and flannels also!! Any customers that you send will receive a 3% discount on the total order. Come and visit!!
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