Saturday, 22 December 2012

giveaway winner...and so long...

First up today the winner of the Glimma giveaway...altho I was tempted to accidentally on purpose forget to draw a winner and keep the extra Charm set for myself...but that would have been wrong...

So drawn by my beautiful assistant...

numero 35!

Blogger hueisei said...
I will make a tote or pouch :D
Thanks for the chance to win
(please email me your address Hueisei and I'll send off your charm pack after xmas!)

 This will probably be my last pop by before Christmas, and if my family have anything to do with it before 2013 too.

 I would like to say I'm on top of all those WIPs that have been waiting in queue for half of 2012, but that would be a big fat lie.
I am determined to complete my Umbrella Prints quilt, my low volume quilt and also my Glimma piece.
Yeah, like any of that is going to happen.

 However what I have managed to finish are my 2 new screen printed baby quilts. I really really enjoyed printing these and what is going to be wonderful is that due to the printing process every one will be different. And they will be customisable too...want different colours? different background? different size?...all accomodateable (that's not really a word, but you know what I mean).

These 2 are up in my Etsy shop if you need that special new baby gift or if you would like to talk through customising one I would love to speak to you.

All that is left to say is to wish you all a very Merry Christmas with your loved ones and here's to a wonderful 2013 and all it may bring. Thank you for following me through 2012 and leaving your much appreciated comments and look forward to catching up in the New Year xx

Thursday, 20 December 2012

training her up...

 First day of the school holidays and Ruby and I had our long awaited date at the screen printing studio.

Ruby had drawn this fab horse at school in art and we thought it would look great as a screen print. We had already had an order from a family member for a cushion. I am pretty sure she doesn't read my blog so it's safe to show you before she gets it. Ruby did it weeks ago but this was really the first opportunity we had had. 

Besides which it was a lovely first day of the holidays activity.

 We went to the workshop to expose the screen. That's the only thing I need to go there for now and it was actually nice to go see everyone there.

Once home and the screen dry Ruby got kitted up to get printing.

 Next step was to let that dry before we (me) could sew it into the cushion.
Pause for a sec to see my testing piece, the fabric I use to flood the screen with ink and test it has gone through. It is like a diary of my prints!
Finally the cushion was sewn up and one happy producer!
She has decided she would like to sell more of these (rather than just the family member sympathy buyer) and is trying to establish a fair split. We haven't quite come to a happy conclusion for both parties yet.

Let's just say we are in negotiation...

ps last day to enter my Glimma giveaway...go here if you haven't already...

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

a Glimma of a giveaway...

 Have you come across Lotta Jansdotter's latest collection Glimma yet?
You may have seen sneak previews posted around the internet recently.
It is to die for.

 Maybe I am seeing it with rose tinted spectacles, as it is no secret that Lotta is my absolute idol in the world of fabric design. As far as I am concerned everything she does turns to gold.
And I defy you to disagree.
The new collection, due to be released by Windham Fabrics in April next year is even better than the 2 previous collections we all fell in love with.
The colours in this collection are a little more subdued than both Echo and Bella and I think that is what I am liking.

As well as the collection being crammed with her trademark quirky Scandinavian designs, there are also some coordinating solids, which I think will make the collection as a whole a real hit.

 I have been lucky enough to get a couple of charm packs of Glimma and have been having a great time playing with them. I have decided that this year's Christmas hand sewing project will be using Glimma and at the weekend picked this design using Lynne's Lozenge template.

 It is a really pretty design to use and I think Glimma is shown off beautifully with it. The only trouble is the rate I am going I don't think there'll be much left to do with it over Christmas.

 Being the impatient soul that I am where beautiful fabric is concerned, before I had decided on the above EPP project I just had to have a quick play with just a little piece of Glimma. I had to double check I liked it. You know, just to be sure.

It's ok I do...

If you read the title carefully by now you will be itching to know what the word "giveaway" is doing in there...
as a thank you for all your support throughout the year following my blog and leaving your lovely comments (I do so love reading your comments) I am giving away to one lucky reader, wherever in the world you may live, one of my precious charm packs.

That's how much I must love you ;-)

All I'd like you to do is leave me a comment telling me what you would do with the charm pack should you win. Oh and please make sure I have a way of contacting you to let you know you have won.

That is all. I will pick a winner on Friday in the hope that you have half a chance of receiving the pack in time to join me in having a play over the holidays.


Saturday, 15 December 2012

I am due a visit from my US based aunt and uncle in the new year - well mid Feb - but it can never come soon enough...particularly when they fill half their suitcases with my fabric orders.
I normally know a few months in advance when they are planning their next trip and by the time they eventually get here I have forgotten what I've ordered! I have recently added the above few Japanese prints from Super Buzzy...super cute!

I am pretty sure some Pink Castle Fabrics parcels are already awaiting but I'm currently adding some of Carolyn Friedlander's Architextures into the suitcase. This line is hot at the moment and I can't wait to get me some. It looks right up my street. If you haven't got some in your stash yet, I suggest you do. Some of them are out of stock, but they should be back any day and if I was you I'd hurry to get some. I don't think they'll stay in stock for much longer.

The other  collection that is sure fire hit of the season is Type by Julia Rothman. A little bit of this  is winding it's way over too. (Head here to grab some yourself).

I am quite keen to see Jenean Morrison's In My Room collection up close and am ordering a little of Sunday Paper (below) in both the very least.

So I think it would be fair to say my fabric addiction will be continuing well into 2013...not helped by my recent need for selvedges and in case you didn't know, you can't buy selvedges without the fabric attached...

...shame that.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

cushion kits...peut-être?

 This week is all about... 
1. keeping up with the last flurry of online orders...
2. getting Chanukah/Christmas/teacher thank you gifts sewn up...
and 3. being distracted by new product thoughts.

 I have been working on some more adult oriented kits (hey, less of that you!) of late and whilst making this cushion for my In Laws, the lightbulb overhead went on.
How would a kit for an HST cushion be with everything you needed to make your own quilted cushion be? 

The kit would come with all the Thangles you needed - you gotta love Thangles - the front fabrics, probably my screen printed fabrics, to keep it unique, full instructions etc etc.
What do you reckon? Is this something you would be interested in for yourself? as a gift? And also would you want the backing fabric and wadding included or provide your own to keep costs down?

I'd be really interested to hear your thoughts if you have a mo, imbetween what I am sure is an equally busy week for you.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

stocking up...

 It's all very well at this time of year focussing on gift buying and making that we all need to do, but are you remembering to look after Number 1 and making sure you have plenty of supplies to keep you occupied over the festive break??

First up, very exciting news, you can pop along to the imminently opening bricks and mortar The Village Haberdashery this weekend. How exciting is that?! From these sneak peak photos it looks delicious! I used to live at number hubs is quite relieved we are now over 200 miles away!

If you can't get down there Annie's online shop is still open for ordering all her usual scrummy stock including the fabulous new line Splendour. I quite fancy a bit of that.

Also out and about with new things to entice you for Christmas crafting is Aurifil threads at M is for Make. I am dying to try these wonder threads out that everyone is raving on about. Also newly in at HQ M is for Make is the new line from Birch Fabrics, Camp Modern. I just love the colourways of this collection and the designs. It shouts winter wonderland to me and if you haven't used these organic fabrics before, believe me you will love them. They are so crisp and a pleasure to sew with.

 Fancy a little dress making this holidays? Alice at Backstitch has a wonderful array of patterns newly in, including the fabulous Washi Dress which is at the top of my list. I'm also very keen to make the Briar Sweater and T Shirt. I think it will be one of those "have to have for every day of the week" tops. Alice has also just got in a couple of the new By Hand London patterns. The Elizalex dress looks perfect if you need to quickly rustle up a special little something. 

The latest collection in at Seamstar is Aneela Hoey's cuter than cute Sew Stitchy. Absolutely perfect for sewing up a few last minute forgotten gifts. Don't forget to check out  Courtney's Christmas Shop for other wonderful Christmassy fabrics and trimmings to dress your gifts.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

wind down?

There has definitely been no wind down this week following the completion of Country Living but it has somehow been very relaxing in the process.
What there has been is that much needed time for attention on other things like commissioned orders, FLickr group swap makes, not to mention Chanukah and Christmas present makes.

Here is a look at just some of the things I have managed to tick off this week, clockwise from left to right:
1. Lavender bag sets for a shop order;
2. An Ayumi basket for my be filled with lots of sewing necessities;
3. a special zipper pouch for a special friend in need;
4. a commissioned wool and screen printed bag and
5. more commissioned work...soon to be pouches

It feel good, really good to get on top of things and have time for more than just CL makes.

Next week will be even better.

Monday, 3 December 2012

giveaway result and an overview...

I left you with a giveaway last week while I disappeared off to Harrogate for a few days for the Country Living Fair - more on that in a mo.
So were you lucky? Have you won your choice of Mimosa bundle?
Drum roll please...
 The lucky winner is Irene Garcia Diaz! (email me your address and your choice of Mimosa!)

If you weren't lucky enough to win a bundle, you can always go here and treat yourself to some anyway. You really will want to give it a try.

So Country Living did it go?

It all started last Wednesday with my good friend Mr D helping me set up. His help was invaluable. The less said about Mr L having work commitments taking him to London, despite having it in his diary for months, the better.

Pretty swiftly we had it looking like this. All set and ready for the onslaught of predicted visitors.

Four effortful, exhausting days later and I rewarded myself with this...
quite honestly it wasn't really a question of reward...I wasn't capable of much else last night!

On balance I had a fantastic few days. I met up with a lot of buddies that I only see at fairs - Catherine and her lovely Mum were a couple of stands in one direction, Charlotte was a couple of stands the other way and Manda was diagonally opposite, although to be honest why the organisers put a stand in the way to block our immediate view I have no idea. We will have to have words. Rachelle and Tracy were a little far away for too many chats (more words needed) but it was definitely a highlight to finally meet this fab pair. Of course meeting up with the massive support network of the Soupers in person was fantastic too. As for all you wonderful peeps that were visiting and came by to say hi, bringing me cups of water, tea, loo breaks or just to introduce yourselves, I really appreciated it so thank you.

As for the fair itself as a business success? The jury is out as to whether it is an experience I will repeat. It is a very stressful time of year with busy online sales and keeping up with stockist top ups, not to mention remembering to say hi and feed my children. Getting ready for CL added to the stress at this time and I'm not convinced that the end result justified the chaos we have lived in over the last few weeks and indeed months.

Having said that, I'm very keen to look into Glasgow for next year...just shoot me now!