One thing I love about Passover is making the time to make various traditional foods. No matter how busy I am (ha ha ha) I love getting ready and being a bit of a domestic goddess. Let's face it, if time wasn't an issue I'd spend all day creating (and eating).
One such traditional item is lemon curd. I have no idea why. (Mental note - must ask Mum) But it's such a pleasing thing to make that I don't know why we don't do it all year round. But I guess that also gives it it's specialness.
First off is getting out all my favourite kitchen items - my Nigella lemon juicer, my Nigella measuring cups, my gorgeous handmade pouring bowl bought on a trip one year to Norfolk and not forgetting my favourite kitchen gadget of zester. If you don't have a zester, you must. It is a little miracle of an implement. Go buy one right now.
A little coffee break was needed (hardship) whilst the zest infused into the juice.
The rest was as simple as 1, 2, 3. A microwave (yes, I know), a liquidiser and 2 sterilised jam jars and before you know it 2 scrumptious jars of homemade Lemon Curd. The hardest thing now is waiting until next week so we can eat it. Spread on Matzah. Delicious.
Yes please!
Last time I had lemon curd it was in London 12 years ago. I think I waited well over the one mandatory week!
"If time wasn't an issue I'd spend all day creating (and eating)."
Ah, a girl after my own heart. :)
And, I'm so jealous of your pouring bowl. It's lovely!
It's nice to meet you, btw! Isn't it wonderful to meet so many interesting people in the blogosphere?
I found your blog as I was reading through another blog and saw one of your comments. Your blog looked interesting, so I decided to post...I hope that's ok. :)
Hi Karen,
Jennie here from Peris & Corr. Thanks for contacting us via our blog, our studio has only been that tidy once I Think.
We are in the middle of designing new stock at the moment including English language cards, some new tote bags and printed hemp cushions and some diferent designs on tea towels as well.
Just wanted to ask where you found out about us as well???
Let me know if you would like a wholesale
(will carry on here, don't know what happend there).....if you want a wholesale price list let me know.
yes! i would love your recipe please
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