
Wednesday 8 January 2014

:: quilt improv the blog tour ::

Happy New Year!

i feel bad that i haven't stopped by to wish you all a happy new year but hopefully my post and giveaway today will soften that blow.
today is my turn on the fantabulously talented Lu Summer's blog tour of her equally fantabulous new book Quilt Improv.

i have long since been a huge fan of Lu's and it is fair to say that she was a huge inspiration to me starting my screen printing journey. her improv quilting style is very unique and so i was very excited when i heard that she was bringing this book out and even more excited to be asked to be on Lu's blog tour.

Quilt Improv is such a visual feast of a book, with beautiful photos all taken on Lu's picturesque farm. even if you aren't a quilter you won't help but be drawn in by the colourful shots. 

not only is Quilt Improv a stunning book to look at but it is also extremely well planned and one that will become a favourite resource for improv quilting. 

the book begins by teaching you how to do 13 improv designs and then goes on to show you how to make 12 quilts that Lu has designed using these blocks.

one of the things i love most about Lu's book is seeing how you can follow a pattern but make it entirely your own and every time you play around with the designs each quilt will come out differently. 

i had a great deal of fun this week trying out some of the blocks and piecing them together to make my own little improv quilt. some may say too much fun...

so the giveaway...

f & w media, the clever publishers behind Quilt Improv are very kindly offering one of you my lovely readers, near or far, a copy of the book. All you need to do is leave a comment here and I will pick a winner by midnight sunday 12 jan...or a little earlier if i'm having an early night.

check out the other reviews, and opportunities to win a copy of Quilt Improv, at other stops on the book tour going through the rest of the month. to see the other stops on the Quilt Improv blog tour over the next month visit Stitch Craft Create. 

good luck!


  1. Wow I love the one you made! Would love to win the book

  2. I love this idea. Your panel is gorgeous as always and the colours in the photographs in the book are just so bright and sunny - lovely!

  3. Oh I've always been so intimidated by this 'improv' as I feel the need to plan out my quilts. I've been following you on IG and absolutely love the little quilt you have made - would love to have a play with the ideas in this book!

  4. Love you quilt! Am new to quilting but love the idea of 'improv'! Would love a copy of the book and to have a go of making a beautiful quilt. Thank you for the chance to get my hands on a copy. Will keep my fingers and toes crossed!

  5. what a gorgeous quilt! another book for my wish list I think!

  6. I love that we get to see your own spin on what the book teaches! everything looks very inspiring!

  7. I absolutely love the quilt that you have made. Would love to try some of the ideas

  8. What a lovely improv quilt you have made! Makes me even more determined to have a go at improv myself very soon...

  9. I'd love to try improv quilting - it could be just the answer for my mismatched seams and missing points.

  10. Improv quilting is on my list of things to master in 2014 because it is so not me, trying to push the boundaries!! Would love this book to help me along the way! Thanks for the chance.

  11. I love your quilt -- an the idea of improv patterns!

  12. aaack!! i love improv. it's my favorite. no wrongs. and i have some of luci's fabric just sitting around here at the moment...!! thanks for a chance, karen!

  13. your quilt is just amazing! I would love to try some of the ideas in this book. I have decided that I hate cutting fabric to exact measurements - so this could be the way to go for me!

  14. Oooo, I'd love to win one. I love Lu's work and have the book in my wishlist - it would be good to have it in my grubby mitts!

  15. Love your mini quilt, such restful colours! I would love to win a copy of Lu's book, it's been on my wishlist for ages! Thanks for the giveaway R x

  16. Great quilt, it is just the kind of thing to appeal to my teenage daughters. Thanks for a fun giveaway too. Happy new year.

  17. This is totally inspiring me to get much more involved in my own design of a quilt instead of following an exact pattern. Thank you!

  18. This looks such a stunning book and just what I need to make my daughter a quilt.

  19. The book is on my wish list, and now I moved it to the top. I know a book is inspiring when the reviewer actually has to try it out--love your quilt and the palette is gorgeous!

  20. I'd love to try some improv:)

  21. As the closing date is my Birthday, I am hoping I win the perfect Birthday gift! Fingers crossed :D

  22. I loved watching your mini come together on IG! So cute :-)

  23. Hi!!! Love the quilt you made!!! This does look like lots of fun!!! Thanks for the give away!!!

  24. Wonderful! I wish I was on instagram so I could have seen it come together! What fun!

  25. Im new at quilting but I love the freedom this book seems to offer! For a beginner quilter patterns and fancy blocks can seem challenging and there is a fear of messing up the pattern with the wrong color piece in the wrong place! This book looks creative and eliminates some if the fear but still allows for challenge! I would love to know more!!

  26. I love the sound (and look!) of Lucie's book and think your mini quilt is amazing!

  27. How exciting if I win the book as I'll learn some new styles of improv!

  28. Lovely mini quilt and a really cleverly presented book.

  29. I'd be so tickled to get a copy of this book. I love to make my items a little unexpected and at least one of a kind (doesn't always happen, but that's my goal), but I'm also not terribly creative. So my main method of achieving my goal is to find inspiration and then figure out a way to "make it my own," as they say. This looks like a book that could really help me out.

  30. I'm really excited about this book. Improv is such a reach for me but I love it… Maybe this book will help.

  31. I love the way that you have made it your own with the cool, calm colours completely opposite to Lu's one.

  32. I'd love to have the opportunity to win this book.It would help me work on a new skill.

  33. I'd love to win this and get the necessary shove to do more improv quilting. Thanks!

  34. I've never tried an improv quilt. I tend to "over think" myself. This book seems to be just the one I need to get me started. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  35. Love, love your quilt....I have never branched out, only always following a pattern. I think it's time!

  36. Your quilt captures the palette I have been trying to pull together for a quilt for my daughter. Very NICE indeed! I have been a fan of improv for years but too afraid to try it myself. This book looks like the inspiration I need.

  37. I would so love to win this lovely book... I borrowed i from my library and was sad to return it, its very inspiring.
    Mlv 263 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  38. Thank you for your thorough review. You've clearly shown me how much my quilting skills will benefit from this book. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

  39. These quilts make me smile -- looking forward to trying my hand at one of my own!

  40. I love Lu's work! - would love to win a copy of her book!

  41. This is sounding like a brilliant book. Would love to be in with a chance of winning a copy :)

  42. Love the quilt you've made. sounds like a great book.

  43. This book looks fab - lots of inspiration. Thanks for the chance

  44. That is a stunning quilt, this is the book that I regret not getting at FQ Retreat last year!

  45. Even if I don't win the book, I've been inspired by this bloghop. Great quilts.

  46. Love the quilt you made...this book sounds wonderful! Love to win. Thanks

  47. Gorgeous quilt! I would love to win a copy of the book, very inspiring!

  48. What a lovely book - great giveaway. Beautiful work!

  49. My sister has recently started to quilt and I'd LOVE to win this for her. Though I'd need to have a look at it first!

  50. I have really started letting my improve speak to me, this is an inspiring book and would be loved and used.

  51. Such a great book and I would love love love to win it!

  52. I have enjoyed seeing your improv project being made via IG. It is lovely. Di x

  53. The pictures do look pretty and this is another thing I need to learn, how to improv better.

  54. Your improv quilt is sweet! Would love to have a look at the book!

  55. I love your improv quilt. I have only ever made one improvisational block but I'm ready to try more experimental quilting. I'd love to see the book!

  56. Your improv quilt has such soothing colors. I would call it Blueberry Nap.

  57. oh, count me in please.

  58. This sounds like a great book with LOTS of ideas, your quilt turned out great. Love to win a copy and try my hand at one also. Thanks for the giveaway and for all you share with us on your blog.

  59. I've never done any quilting before but I like the idea f improvising. Please count me in :)

  60. This year I'm trying to embrace the improv in my sewing and stop being so scared of making a "mistake" so this book would definitely help me on my way! Thanks for the chance!

  61. I would love a copy of the book, thank you for hosting!

  62. I would really like to step out of my comfort zone and try some of these techniques. Thanks for the give away!

  63. Your improv quilt is lovely! Thanks for the chance to win!

  64. Great improv quilt. Looks like a fun book! Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

  65. Would love to win the book so many lovely ideas

  66. This book looks so exciting. I would love to have it.

  67. Great quilt. My daughters would love this style quilt.

  68. I've allreay said it over on Instagram but I love the beautiful muted colours in your little mini quilt.

    Thanks for the chance at winning a copy of Lucie's fabulous book x

  69. I would love to win a book love these quilts.

  70. I would sooo love to win a copy of this book! Thanks for the opportunity!

  71. Improv definitely isn't my thing... I like to follow instructions!

    So this would be a great book to help me free up my quilting.

    Thanks xx

