
Tuesday 2 July 2013

what's in a name?

 i have been printing up a new design today that i have been working on.
 i never really quite know how a design on paper is going to turn out when it is printed up but i am really rather pleased with it.

i am however a little bit stumped with what to call it. while i was drawing it out i had an idea in mind but it hasn't ended up looking quite like i thought it would and so that name won't work.

fancy helping me out with a name? 

i am going to give a panel - in either yellow or turquoise - to the best name. Fancy winning one? just leave your suggestion here (or on IG...i have it going on there too) and the name that wows me the most will win a panel in the colour of their choice.

so get your thinking caps on and thanks for helping!


  1. I'm going for 'halo'... Very pretty!

  2. this might seem a bit esoteric, but they really remind me of actin rings (my PhD subject!)

  3. 'Sunshine on a cloudy day'

    The motifs look like suns that are peeking out from behind clouds.

  4. My immediate thought was 'lucky horseshoes'!

    Hope you get a suggestion you like!

  5. I thought horseshoes too but then it looks like a sun so i'm going for "Sunny Shoes". Whatever you call it, it's very nice!

  6. Happy Horseshoe for the yellow (I had thought Lucky Horseshoe too and my husband said Sunny Shoes) or maybe C-bursts. These are totally fun prints!!

  7. This is a great pattern. It does kind of look like suns or horseshoes, but it also looks like little lightbulbs. How about "Lightbulb moment" or "Eureka!"?

  8. I'm going for moon sparkles! as it looks like a crescent moon thats sparkling!

  9. I'm going to say Surprise! The exclamation mark is very important :-)

  10. I think "Bright and early".

  11. Made me think of 'Glass half full' - like happy half sunshines :)

  12. I am rubbish with names, so my suggestion is Sunshine Smiles, or Smiley Pips.

  13. My first thought was that they looked like lightbulbs - in that cartoony idea way - so what about "Lightbulb Moment".
