
Sunday 9 June 2013

i love a week that...

finishes with an extra unexpected bit of sewing time.
i don't get to spend a lot of time sitting in the living room watching tv but being the French Open this week meant i had crept in there a little more than usual...

...long enough to notice an old scuzzy looking cushion cover in there that needed addressing pronto. it was only a little cushion and only needed a simple cover so it was relatively easy to creep off for an hour and produce something new and clean that was no longer offending my sensibilities.

job done, satisfaction achieved and a week ending pretty much as well as it had started...

as long as you ignore the fact that the boys have just chased each other into a glass door and shattered the glass to smithereens all over the landing...

maybe not such a great week after all.


  1. Oh dear! Are they ok? Not the best ending but I do love the cushion! Have a great week...tidying up! Chel x

  2. Uh oh! Doesn't sound like good news. Love the cushion

  3. Ouch Karen!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love the cushion cover, you are shaming me with my 'seen better days' covers x

  4. as long as my future son-in-law isn't permanently damaged!

  5. Great cushion! I love that cushions can be made in a flash when there is a cushion emergency :)

    Ouch about the glass :(

  6. Oh no!! At least you have a very beautiful cushion :)

  7. I really hope all is okay with the boys! Your cushion is just beautiful :)

  8. Poor boys. I hope that the glass came off worse than they did. Cushion making is so satisfying and yours is lovely. Di x

  9. Great cushion! It must be so satisfying using your own fabrics to make things :) hope the boys escaped unscathed!

  10. Ouch! At least the cushion is OK!

    Hope the boys recover and do the running around outside not in the house in future!
