Friday 28 June 2013

grabbing it where i can...

 with all the work and family commitments i have going on at the mo (don't you find it all just comes at once?) i have to squeeze in extra things when i can.

hence at 9pm last night i went down to the cellar to get some printing done...

it was an idea that i had visited before a couple of years ago and was an idea i needed to take further in mind for another project i have going on at the mo.

do you like my overly stylised black and white photography?! what with my gorgeous lisa stickley dotty plate and rustic dying in the vase garden roses the black and white app on IG it seemed to be the way to go. besides it's so damn gloomy out today that there was no natural light to use.

so that's how my days are panning out at the mo. i have a feeling tonight may not be quite as productive...
well it is friday night and wine will be involved and no doubt a little graham norton...


Catherine said...

Oh, how lovely! Beautiful pics:-)

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Beautiful design :)

Amy Friend said...

I always LOVE doily prints!

Jo Doherty said...

I really love your design! I'm having a similar week - up painting clay models at 10.30pm, sort of takes the fun out of it...!

lindsey said...

This looks amazing!

Nicky said...

That is the prettiest doily I've seen!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Very pretty. Have a nice evening xxx

Wendy said...


Archie The Wonder Dog said...

You know I love these!