
Tuesday 18 December 2012

a Glimma of a giveaway...

 Have you come across Lotta Jansdotter's latest collection Glimma yet?
You may have seen sneak previews posted around the internet recently.
It is to die for.

 Maybe I am seeing it with rose tinted spectacles, as it is no secret that Lotta is my absolute idol in the world of fabric design. As far as I am concerned everything she does turns to gold.
And I defy you to disagree.
The new collection, due to be released by Windham Fabrics in April next year is even better than the 2 previous collections we all fell in love with.
The colours in this collection are a little more subdued than both Echo and Bella and I think that is what I am liking.

As well as the collection being crammed with her trademark quirky Scandinavian designs, there are also some coordinating solids, which I think will make the collection as a whole a real hit.

 I have been lucky enough to get a couple of charm packs of Glimma and have been having a great time playing with them. I have decided that this year's Christmas hand sewing project will be using Glimma and at the weekend picked this design using Lynne's Lozenge template.

 It is a really pretty design to use and I think Glimma is shown off beautifully with it. The only trouble is the rate I am going I don't think there'll be much left to do with it over Christmas.

 Being the impatient soul that I am where beautiful fabric is concerned, before I had decided on the above EPP project I just had to have a quick play with just a little piece of Glimma. I had to double check I liked it. You know, just to be sure.

It's ok I do...

If you read the title carefully by now you will be itching to know what the word "giveaway" is doing in there...
as a thank you for all your support throughout the year following my blog and leaving your lovely comments (I do so love reading your comments) I am giving away to one lucky reader, wherever in the world you may live, one of my precious charm packs.

That's how much I must love you ;-)

All I'd like you to do is leave me a comment telling me what you would do with the charm pack should you win. Oh and please make sure I have a way of contacting you to let you know you have won.

That is all. I will pick a winner on Friday in the hope that you have half a chance of receiving the pack in time to join me in having a play over the holidays.



  1. Love the colours that line is going to be a great hit! I think I would do some simple patchwork to really showcase the prints! Thanks for the chance to win.

  2. I love Lotta's fabrics too, I think you're dead right with the EPP and I am planning a cushion using the Spring Carnival pattern but haven't selected fabrics yet, these would be lovely! Thanks for the give away!

  3. There a few quilting blocks I'm dying to try and it would be perfect

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh how gorgeous. I am with you on this one, I keep drooling over Lotta's fabric too and I would so love to get my hands on some Glimma. I am determined to make some zipper pouches, make up bags, pencil cases and these fabrics would be perfect for that.

  6. Ooo, a cushion probably but it is so hard to decide without having it in my grubby mits!

  7. beautiful! i think i would use them for EPP hexagons.

  8. mmm... lovely colors (and prints!), indeed. what would I do... what, oh what would I do... I guess I'd have to have a little play time with them.(something for the bedroom, perhaps? yes.) and since this is the first holiday season since my separation, I happen to have almost all of Christmas day to spend by my lonesome, doing whatever I wish.

  9. I'd use the charms to make a tote bag or zipped pouches!
    Is Glimma available in the UK yet??

  10. I like the idea of a cushion cover or zip pouches or any number of things!

  11. Nossa!!!!Então você me ama muito...Sou viciada em EPP,e seu sorteio é de tecidos maravilhosos,abriu internacional....O que falta?..Ser eu a ganhadora.Obrigada.Seguidora cheia de esperaça e feliz.Que o seu NATAL seja Abençoado e cheio de paz.Amém?

  12. I'm no good at guessing in advance what I'd do with a certain fabric, I have to play around with it before I "know". I'd say the colours would make a great bag...

  13. To show off the wonderful patterns and colours I think that I would turn them into snowballs and make a lap quilt for myself.

  14. I would throw it all over the floor and roll around on it.

  15. Wow,wow,wow! How generous of you to share. I am just learning hexies, so that is what I would do. Thanks so much!

  16. Ooo gorgeous, we have the builders starting work on our house in the new year so i won't have a sewing space, I NEED to find some handsewing projects and this would be ideal, maybe I'll have a pile of EPP finished to make pouches and quilts with by the end of it!
    thanks for the giveaway

  17. Father Christmas is bringing me a new book with charm pack ideas, so would be great to win

  18. Ooh, I am a huge Lotta Jansdotter fan too! I have an idea for a quilt called Letters from Lotta - you will just have to imagine what that might involve...

  19. My house was designed by a Scandinavian company and I would love to make a wall hanging for my stairwell in Scandi colours - I guess Glimma would appear there or possibly in a table runner for the dining room table!

    I still have some Echo FQs waiting to be cut up but a charm pack is ideal - the deed is already done!

  20. The fabrics are so gentle and lovely. Thank you for sharing your fabric, that is love of your readers beyond question. I am seriously into hexagons using EPP at theminute to make bags with, so I would probably use my charm pack for that. Of course, first I would spend some time looking at it all adoringly before I could cut into it. I do a problem cutting into new fabric!

  21. I'd definitely make some quirky little cushions for my bed!

  22. You're right! The prints are wonderful in this range! But even better that there are matching solids! ( I found Bella tricky finding matching solids without using boring cream or grey!) Thanks for the giveaway, I would make another quilt- this one for my eldest son. I gave my Bella quilt to my younger son!

  23. Love love love this collection! If I won this would be the basis of a baby quilt as I'm baking baby no. 3, lucky child!

    Gaynorwalsh at talktalk dot net

  24. Oh what a great chance just before Christmas , has st nic come early ! Think I would have a go at producing my first quilt project maybe start small with a change mat or cot blanket just to see if I can do it ! Love what you have done with the cushion thanks for the chance x

  25. love that fabric thank you for the chance

  26. I can't believe you can bear to give away this charm pack - the colours are just so "you"!
    I think I'd have to do some paper piecing, just so I get the chance to fondle them for longer and then I'd make some cushion covers!

  27. What a fun collection of fabrics - so many possibilities. I'm into pillows right now, so I think I'd fashion the charms into a great pillow for our living room. Thanks for the preview!

  28. I'm on a hexagon kick (they travel well); I would make hexies, and then fashion those into a pillow for my mod living room. :)

  29. I'm just in the middle of changing jobs and moving across country to a new flat. All of my stuff has gone over in boxes already and I'm finishing up work on Friday, going off to see family for a week, and then moving in to my new place. It desperately needs some funky table mats to personalise it, as I can't put anything on the walls. These fabrics would be ideal.

  30. So glad that you love us that much! I like this fabric style too and I would make some cushions to match my nearly completed quilt made in Echo. Di x

  31. I am making a quilt right now with my Echo and Bella collection--I would love to have a bit of Glimma to add to it! I see some fabrics in your pictures that would be lovely.

  32. I love the pillow you made. This collection is a must, am planning on making a quilt. Thanks for the giveaway.

    Lsumida at yahoo dot com

  33. I love your EPP - I think this range would be perfect for a baby bag - super stylish for mumma but also suited for baby. It has the typical baby pink, but isn't typically 'baby' fabric.

  34. I will make a tote or pouch :D
    Thanks for the chance to win

  35. I'm thinking some lovely cushions just like yours for the lounge

  36. If I am honest, I would stare and drool at and on the charm pack for a little bit first THEN decide what to do with it :) Yum!!!!

  37. I love Lotta Jansdotter and have a little bit of the other collections too. I would use some of it for my Spring Carnival and the rest to make a lovely cushion for my bed.
    Thank you so much for the chance to win some Glimma!

  38. This new collection is lovely! I wanted to make a dress with her last collection but as my first attempt at dress making it seemed extravagant. If I won this, I might make a plain skirt and make a patchwork rim around the bottom with this lovely fabric :)

  39. I would mix it with a neutral solid and make a pillow or two. Love this line - thanks for sharing :-)

  40. I would try to make my own Quilt. x

  41. I liked Echo an awful lot but didn't think much of Bella. I was so happy to see Glimma - I think it is the best of the three lines. I love your pillow, and if I were to win I would make myself a pillow, too!

  42. I would definitely use my pattern I bought from you to make a first one! ..New year project!

  43. The charm pack would be a great, but slightly cheating way, of building up my collection of "scraps" for a scrappy quilt.

  44. Dang, I love her stuff. I think I would make a simple table runner so I could look at it all day long!

  45. I think I would love to have a bag in this color. Thanks for the inspiration

  46. I would make the husbeast a pair of quilted pants (underwear, not trousers) that he keeps asking me to make. He's a skinny minny so the rest would make a lovely cushion for me! Thanks for the chance to win! And I love your cushion.

  47. The colors are great. I would add them to a quilt that I am going to make for myself soon. I haven't decided on a design yet.

  48. Such a nice collection. I would use it to make cushions for my daughters to take with them when they go back to Uni to brighten up their rooms.

  49. They look gorgeous! I think I'd make myself a cushion or three...or maybe some pillow cases...

  50. What a wonderful giveaway! I adore the colours and patterns in this range and I think I would make cushions for our soon-to-arrive grey couch!! Pick meeeeeee! Please and thank you : -)

  51. I love the Lotta's fabric too and can't wait to see the line in April. I think I'd make something hexie with it.

    Happy Holidays! Meanwhile, I'll keep looking at your blog for ideas.

  52. You are so nice to give any piece of these fabrics away. i would probably look at it for a while and then make it into a quilt. I think I could use a charm pack with a bunch of solids to make a quilt that featured the charms in some improv blocks.

  53. My husband would love this line - very simple and modern, just like him. I think that means I'd make him a cushion for his study chair.

  54. I would definitely like to make a cushion. Our living room sofas are looks very shabby, so my 2013 wish is to spruce it up with new cushions. Thanks for the giveaway.

  55. I am so glad to have found your blog. You have such fun ideas and projects! I have a charm bag pattern saved on Pinterest and these would be perfect.

  56. I am (fingers crossed) getting a sizzix big shot for Christmas so I'd use the Glimma to try out that and make a cushion or quilt! Thanks for being so generous - not sure I would be!

  57. Ooh! a quilt, definitely. Lovely fabrics. Thanks for the chance to win.

  58. Ahhhh this is soooo exciting to see this. I totally in love and this line isn't even out yet. If this were to livw with meI would … veer away from a quilt and do a pillow + wall-hanging to love and pet and call my own

  59. Hope im not to late to join in for the giveaway.... Love Lottas I couldn't resist...:0)
    I want to wish you a very GOD JUL ...Merry Christmas ...from Sweden!!!
