
Tuesday 2 October 2012

a bundle or 2...

How do you do your fabric shopping?

Are you an efficient shopper and know exactly what you want and go straight for it?

Do you trawl aimlessly through various sections? designer, by colour, by manufacturer, by design?

Or do you hope your clever online fabric stores cleverly puts bundles together for you to purchase easily and without fuss?

Alice of Backstitch has some wonderful bundles in store and her latest 'cocktail bundles' put a new slant on Happy Hour.
These are just 4 of my favourite bundles that Alice has put together, combining fabrics in a way I would never see. You don't have to be in love with every fabric individually in a bundle, which is always my problem when choosing fabrics, but know that the combination works a treat.

Go check out these cocktails and all the other tasty treats in store and treat yourself to an easier way of shopping.
Oh and don't forget to come back and let me know what you have chosen...I'd love to know ;-)


  1. Oh I have perused, chosen and paid today! Di x

  2. One of the great things about some of our very talented UK fabric shop owners, is that put these amazing bundles together. Always find it inspiring! So agree about Alice's cocktail bundles - they are fab.

  3. Love the 'zing' of the Curious Comfort!

  4. Love the 'zing' of the Curious Comfort bundle!

  5. You know I love looking at bundles but am the sort of buyer that prefers to put together my own. That's half the fun. Of course I'm never adverse to winning one ;-)

  6. Nothing like a nice bundle! All very tempting to me ...

    Pomona x

  7. Ooh i love a bundle, and a stash to stroke ! lol :)

  8. Its great when the shops the coordinates colours and designs.very helpful!
