
Thursday 22 September 2011

I'm feeling a little bit overwhelmed and under pressure at the moment.
Not only is this my first proper Christmas with stockists wanting handmade pieces in time for the Christmas rush, hence I have a LOT of sewing to do, but also we seem to have a crazier than ever schedule at the mo. I keep waiting for life to calm down. It somehow never does. One of these days I will fall off this treadmill...

In the meantime it was all go in the sewing room yesterday, finishing off my new Vintage cushions (see, no sympathy with myself - 'new' products? at this time of year? crazy girl).
First up was hand making the binding for the envelope back. I love making the binding for cushions...a little pop of colour showing it's face.

And then, hey presto, cushions finished. I'm not actually delivering these for another couple of weeks, but I did need to finish them off having started the fronts last week.
And besides...if I didn't, how could I justify cutting into these latest arrivals???

So crazily busy at Blueberry park Headquarters and yes, life is a tad more stressful than I would like, but I am aware at the moment that my stress is all good stress - getting orders out on time, getting my children to all their clubs, activities etc, doing a job that I love - and long may that be the case.


  1. i am simply in love with those pillows. too cute!

  2. These are lovely - the vintage fabrics are great with your screen printed fabric! It may not be the best time to create new projects but you have done a great job!

  3. Dear Karen - just lovin your prints with those fabric combos. The binding is such a worthwile touch. As a flat out mum myself I know how hard it is to keep up the pace sometimes but your stuff is admired v much from keep it up!
