
Monday 22 November 2010

Next to my Bed

A different post for me today...

I have several projects on the go which aren't ready to show yet. I could show you how my wall -hanging is coming along, but it's definitely a work in progress, so that needs to wait for another day. I'm working on some christmas gifts, that also can't finished yet, so they also need to wait for another day.

In the meantime I thought I'd share another of my great loves with you...reading. What, you thought I only crafted? You didn't know I could read? I love reading and always have a pile of books by my bed (and under it too), so I thought I'd tell you about what was currently there.

First up is an amazing book that I have just finished, "Alone in Berlin" by Hans Fallada. It is an incredibly powerful book, set in wartime Berlin, depicting the lives and fears of ordinary Berliners.

Next up is "Suite Francaise" by Irene Nemirovsky. Another brilliant wartime based book, this time based in France, that has a poignant history of it's own. It was almost lost forever and only discovered by the author's surviving daughter years later.

Let's have a light one next! We went to see Harry Potter 7 on Saturday, which was brilliant! I almost stayed at home and let Matthew take the children, but decided I wouldn't be a kill joy and would join in the fun. I'm so glad I did. It is definitely the best to date and since I hadn't read this final one, when we got home I had to grab it from Sam's shelves and dive in to the point it was left and find out what happens.

So Harry usurped the next in my pile waiting to be read - "The Lacuna" by Barbara Kingsolver. This is the latest by the author of one of my favourite ever books - "The Poisonwood Bible". The reviews aren't quite as favourable for "The Lacuna", but when one of your favourite authors brings out a new read, it would be rude to not at least give it a go.

As for this little pile above...
While I was in Sam's room sneaking off with Harry, I spotted this trilogy that I'd bought him a while ago, that have been likened to "A boy in Striped Pyjamas". I'm not sure Sam's read them yet, but I want to give them the once over to see if they are suitable for Noah too. Like me, my boys are serious bookworms.

So, do you have a passion for reading? Do you always have a pile of books on the go/waiting to be read/finished and can't bear to be put away just yet?

How about playing along? Just put a link in my comments and post what is next to your bed...I'd love to hear what's there.


  1. I ADORE reading and as soon as I get onto a good book my crafting time is virtually zero.

    Reading a fab one now 'The Book Thief' by Markus Zusak.

    It is FANTASTIC!

  2. hi I have just finished 'The messenger' by Markus Zusak and the 'The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society' (to keep with the war theme) both great books.

  3. Hi - I've just finished reading The White Queen by Phillipa Gregory and The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. I'm now reading one of my favourite authors, Alexander McCall Smith and his new book The Quirks of Others.
    Suite Francaise is one of the books under my bed to read. I'm really interested in WW1 & WW2 stories, so thanks for pointing out Alone in Berlin to me.
    I'd be interested to know what you think of The Lucana. I must admit I found The Poisonwood Bible a little sluggish.
    Jill x

  4. I love to read and try to get some in every morning and every night. I am getting ready to start "The Room" by Emma Donoghue. It is hard when I am also trying to get some applique done!

  5. I loved both Suite Francais and The Lacuna. In fact, I think I preferred The Lacuna to Poisonwood Bible. By my bed are The Hand That First Held Mine by Maggie O'Farrell (recently finished and definitely recommended) and Freedom by Jonathan Franzen (almost finished and brilliant, in a category of its own). x

  6. I love to read, and I love having a cup of tea when I do - it's such a civilized activity in this 24/7/365 be connected to everyone and everything. I'm reading Jane Austen's Mansfield Park at the moment.

  7. I tried to read Suite Francaise and The Lacuna and couldn't get into either; was particularly disappointed about the latter as I love love LOVED The Poisonwood Bible. I just read The Elegance of the Hedgehog which is really sweet and a bit sad and nothing to do with hedgehogs at all. xx

  8. I think I might try and get the Berlin one.
    I've carried this post on over on my blog -

  9. I'm currently rereading my mother's copy of Jamaica Inn by Dauphne du Maurier. I'd forgotten it's set in winter and the descriptions of Bodmin Moor send extra chills up the spine at this time of year.

    I don't have a to be read pile - I have a to be read bookcase!
