
Tuesday 22 June 2010

I can't believe it's Tuesday already...and I haven't blogged since last Wednesday. And I was on such a roll!

Being away for the weekend is partly to blame. As is the amazing summer we are having. I'm almost beginning to feel how you peeps that live in warmer climes must have it... knowing what to put on in the morning...enjoying coffee breaks in the sun...a general feel of merriment going on.

It has meant that I'm not doing as much sewing as usual. Quite frankly, even though it's one of my most favourite things in the whole wide world, I'm more than happy to give up hibernating in my attic studio for a bit of sunshine.

And that's why the boys' version of my quilt-cum-playmat has taken a little longer to produce. But, just as long as I'm continuing to produce things, albeit at a slower pace, I'm more than happy to take a step back and enjoy the summer we are being blessed with. Long may it continue.


  1. Love the quilt/playmat - the stars are a great touch.

    i wish we had some of that summer warmth down in Australia at the moment!

  2. I know, it is so nice here right now. I have just popped back in as the guilt of not doing something even slightly useful (or enjoying peoples blogs!)whilst my daughter sleeps makes me feel guilty .Tough decisions to be made by us all! Haha.

    The quilt/mat is really sweet :D


  3. The quilt looks great Karen. I have just taught myself to crochet so I can be doing something as I sit outside in the sunshine !

  4. love the stars!! I find it hard to stay inside when it is beautiful outside too. Summer really hasn't started for us yet, but I know that once it does, I will be at the beach more than at my sewing machine!!

  5. so nice to see a bit of sunshine, I've been sewing outside this week :-)
    love your blog!

  6. Sweet quilt!
    Love the quilted stars!!

  7. I just love it, lovely color combination as usual!
