
Monday 21 September 2009

A full week ahead

Today is the beginning of my first whole week to work in over 10 weeks. I am not kidding! First there were the eternal school holidays. Then there was the week when Noah and Ruby went back and Samuel was still loitering about. Then last week I scarpered off to France for a little jaunt. And finally today has arrived. The day I have been looking forward to for weeks. I was planning to finally finish the trade show orders and get cracking on other long overdue things. All hope for a great start to the week was shattered when my PC picked up a virus over the weekend (one friend misheard and thought I said the children had a virus and would come over when they were better and the coast was clear!) and I have just spent the last 2 hours speaking to online technicians to get it fixed. So my week has already started off on the wrong foot. Still, all is better now and I can confidently surf to my heart's content.

Just before I go I wanted to share a couple of things with you. The first is a new kit that will soon be arriving from our much loved friends over at Prints Charming. This is a stunning handprinted linen fabric with 12 motifs all ready to be turned into beautiful Christmas decorations. Nice, huh?

The second is the reason I have to go... as you can see I can no longer actually get in to my studio. I have been well and truly taken over by my kits. Hence the reason why I was so looking forward to today and this week. I can avoid it no longer...


  1. Hello.
    Hope you get loads done! I'm still printing and making orders from the show- got loads of cards to cut out today but keep procrastinating on the web! Suppose I better get back to it!
    x Em

  2. Whoa that's a lot of kits!!! Hope it all goes well.
    lovely Prints Charming ideas for decorations ;0

  3. kits look great! enjoy the peace ;)

  4. Holy moly that's a lot of kits! And I love the look of the christmas decs, even though I gag a little bit every time I have to say that word. x

  5. Sounds like you've had a hectic time. You'll soon settle back into work. Your kits look great.

    Hope your trade orders are going well. I'm getting repeat orders from the trade show I did in April. It's a nice boost isn't it.

  6. I love these decorations, they looked fantastic on my tree last year!
