
Wednesday 8 April 2009

BCTF over but not out

I need a badge making saying 'I attended BCTF...and survived'. What an experience the last 4 days have been. It was one of the most exhilarating, over-whelming, moral boosting, exhausting times of my life.

I met so many amazing talented people, who I will give more time and space to in the coming weeks and share some of the fantastic work that they produce. It was of course wonderful to have my partner in crime just around the corner. What was fun was realising that whoever liked her also liked me and vice versa.

As well as actually getting orders for new stockists, several other opportunites arose that had never entered my consciousness. One gallery want me to come teach some children's workshops. Another want to include me in an exhibition they are doing. Even an interiors stylist gave me her details and wants to 'talk'.

There is definitely alot going to be happening in my life as a consequence of doing BCTF and most of all the confidence to do so. I'm very excited about the future.


  1. Actually, they only liked me. I just asked them to pretend to like you too! ;p

    It was a lot of fun wasn't it? I think there's a good possibility that by this time next year you and I are going to be running the world.
    Thanks for talking me in to it!! And for making it even more fun. xx

  2. Wow, sounds like it was a great experience, and I'm glad you had fun! Can't wait to hear some of your 'future' things as a result of this show. Well done you. (I wish I lived closer to such an event to take part).

  3. Go you! thats fab!
    Your stand looked lovely, showing off your work a treat, no wonder you had such a good response with all that wonderful creativeness!
    thank you for your lovely comment last week on my blog too ;0 x

  4. The stand looks gorgeous - I don't know what you were worried about! I'm impressed but not at all surprised by your fantastic success - you deserve it after working so hard to pull it all together. Yay for you! xx

  5. You stand looks so great in the photos! And well done on all the positive feedback you received. I look forward to hearing more about it in the future! xx

  6. Well done Karen sounds like you had a great time and made a real impression. I love your products so keep me up to date on your new products :o)

  7. This is clearly your month! I've nominated you for an award. No obligation, just to say thanks for being a good friend and inspiring and supporting me. :o) xx

  8. I love those little banners!

  9. So glad it went well for you! It was nice to see you! Thanks for your blog comment...i din't know you were a blogger so it's nice to visit!! good luck with all your coming work....i'm jealous you had a holiday. i just started working and now I'm pooped!! xxx
