
Monday 5 January 2009

Last day of the Holidays

I feel like I've been living in some parallel universe for the past 2 weeks. My usual routines have gone completely to pot. No crafting whatsoever. As for this blog, it has been well and truly abandoned. (I promise to update you on our goings on later in the week.) We have had such a great, relaxing break. Met up with some friends. Spent time just us. Been away for a few days. Enjoyed the gorgeous, crisp, winter weather. But now I'm ready to get back to normal. I've got a few exciting/scary prospects to contemplate and now want to be able to give them some undisrupted attention.

So last night was the last night of holiday. We've all really enjoyed each other's company this holiday, which isn't always the case. We've done a lot of hanging out just the 5 of us. Last night we had one final hanging out together to celebrate/acknowledge this before tomorrow, when everyone is back to school/work proper...

1 comment:

  1. Hello....Lovely to meet you!

    I love the little tin....i got my sister a Russian dolly for Christmas, she has a thing for cute!
    I'll be popping back soon..xx
