
Thursday 7 August 2008

Birthday Girl

My little girl is going to be 7 tomorrow. I can't quite beleive it. 'Yeah, yeah, yeah, really, promise' I used to say to Mum when she said it all goes so quickly. I wish it would all slow down.

We are about to hit a big milestone after the summer. Samuel moves on to High School and Ruby goes in to Key Stage 2. It seemed bad enough when Ruby went in to school and I was no longer a Mum of pre-schoolers. That didn't seem possible. And now I've turned in to one of those Mum's that has 'grown up' children. Almost 'independent'. It's all so crazy. And whilst part of it is great. It's fantastic to see them developing into independent people. Fab to sit down and have a chat with my 11 year-old son. (Let's face it soon all I'll get is a grunt!) A blast to go in to Urban Outfitters with my daughter picking up pretty things, chatting and oohing over them and moving on.

But it pulls at your heart strings too. It just doesn't seem that long ago and we so need to treasure every moment of this...

Before it turns into more attitude of this...

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Ruby!!!
    Tell me about kids growing up.My 'baby' is 6 now and my oldest is only 4 years younger than I was when I met her dad.Now that's scary.
    Where are those padlocks...?!!
