Warning: Beautiful photos alert!

I've just treated myself to a couple of Japanese pattern books. Not only are the clothes in these books to die for, but even if it takes me a while to even begin to narrow down the list enough to make anything, simply browsing through the pages alone is enough.

The photography is aspirational, making you want to step right on in and live amongst the pages.

And the attention to detail is exquisite. I particularly love the doily detail that is throughout 'Stylish Dress Book'.

I'm really not sure which one I will make first, once my Japanese is up to scratch of course. Having said that, Kate of M is for Make, where I bought the books from is doing an invaluable guide
on her blog of how to use Japanese pattern books.

I adore this pretty sundress, above, and would love to think I'll make at least one for our recently booked summer holiday in the sun.
Another strong contender is this smart dress, below left, perfect for a summer wedding. To be quite honest, I'd be ecstatic if I can make any of them.

On the theme of summer clothing, the second book I bought was 'Girlswear on Holiday', with the aim of making a couple of pretty summer dresses for Ruby.

Despite her favourite line when we go shopping together being "Mummy, that is so much more your style than mine..." we were in full agreement on what I should make for her.

Actually I'm quite wondering what size the children's sizings go up to...

Whilst the adults' book is shot beautifully, delicately, with a real sense of sublime utility, the children's one has captured such an air of fun that, any day now, while I'm jumping into 'Stylish Dress Book', I am pretty sure Ruby will be heading into the sun and fun-filled pages of this one.