Every now and then I get a leaflet through from Abel & Cole and every now and then I sit down and peruse it over a cup of tea. Their leaflets are always very enticing, beautifully photographed, with the produce looking scrummy. Every time I do this I put the leaflet on the 'action' pile to order.
And every time it ends up in the recycling, as time has gone by and so has the moment.

I'm not exactly sure why this should be such an issue. It's not as if I don't ordinarily buy organic fruit and veg. I have been for years. I think not only does it always look more nutritious and apetising, but (apparently) it is too. I'm not sure if that is wholly true, but I've convinced myself of it - well, there has to be a reason I pay more!

This week the usual pattern of: receive catalogue, sit down with catalogue, put catalogue on action pile, throw catalogue away, was broken. I guess the moment was right. I happened to have time after the 'peruse catalogue' phase to sit down and actually order. Or maybe it was the bribery of £50 off if I ordered 4 consecutive weeks.
I took a gamble. I know lots of us keep meaning to use Abel & Cole, but I don't actually know anyone who has. I think another reason for me is what if we get a box full of things we won't eat. I opted for the Mixed Fruit and Veg Box.

The box arrived this morning and as you can see, it all looks incredible. I am delighted. Maybe it's first time lucky, but there is nothing in there I wouldn't eat - besides still not being quite sure what to do with the chard/spinach - hey Twitter friends?!
I am a convert. I can't wait to get cooking and I can't wait for next week's delivery. And I can't wait to not have to pick it all from the supermarket!

So I hope I've convinced you to give it a try. I'm off to have a cuppa and do some more perusing - this time of recipe books. If you need the incentive that gave me the push I needed here's the code to get your £50 free: OCTOBERSUB50
(And thank you all for your amazing comments about what my blog means to you. I am honestly touched by all of them. x)